Mesier Park, Wappingers Falls


November 30, 2024

(RAINDATE: December 1, 2024)


6–8 PM

Parade Line up: 4:30 PM

Let's Celebrate Together!

Come on out and watch the colorful light parade and enjoy the spectacle of the lighting of the town tree. There will be some refreshments and a special visit from Santa!

Take a photo with Santa!
Have a photo opp with Santa and receive a gift :)


Get your float, car or truck decorated with colorful lights and join in the parade! The parade lines up on Elm Street, Wappingers Falls, at 4:30 PM.
Marching will begin at 6 PM and goes down South Avenue (9D) into Mesier Park.
All are welcome to march! 

If your organization or business wants to march in the parade, please register at the Parade March Registration below.

Parade March Registration
If your organization or business would like to march in the parade, please register below:

Vendor Registration
If you are interested in joining the festival, please register below:

**Be aware that it will be during nightfall, we highly recommend bringing lights/lamps**

Volunteer Registration
We can't do it without you! Please register below:

Presented by the: 

Village of Wappingers Falls Recreation Department


Questions? Email us at: villagewfrecreation@gmail.com
