NO CUTS IN A CRISIS Emergency Action Sign-Up (!!!)
We need you now more than ever! The administration at OSU has proposed a COMPLETE CUT of our annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) which is a PAY CUT. These cuts will affect us and future graduate employees for years to come. Our union has fought for and maintained our 2% annual COLA since 2014. Why are they cutting it during a crisis? Now more than ever we must come together to stand against the university's austerity measures. There should be NO pay cuts during a global pandemic. If there are cuts, they should #ChopFromTheTop and start with the highest earners - not the lowest earners.

We have more than just a COLA to win in these bargaining efforts, so we're asking you to pitch in and fight back.

Please select (at least) one of the options below and help your union get YOU the best contract possible. Event descriptions are provided at the bottom of the form. The only way we improve our living as graduate employees is by coming together and showing solidarity. There are over 1800 of us and only a handful of admin trying to cut our pay and deny us a fair contract. We have numbers. We have passion. We are on the right side. We will win.

When we join together we are unstoppable. We need a fair contract by the end of the term.

Fill out this form to get plugged in as we grow our active base to beat OSU's shameful austerity pay cuts and fair contract denial.
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I can actively help my union by (see explanations below): *
I can bring visibility to our union by: *
Name *
Email (preferably not an OSU email) to receive the link to your union's Google Drive with all the resources we need to win: *
Phone (optional)
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