50% Dividends on every Buy and Sell


Have Fun - Play the Game - Earn High Divs

The Power of 50

When someone purchases or sells a PoHD token, 50% of the buy/sell price is split by the total number of tokens and given as locked-in dividends (priced in Ether) to all previous buyers based on how many PoHD tokens they own.

High Dividends

50% of every buy and sell will be rewarded to token holders. Strong hands will be rewarded through every crash and pump. The smart contract, unlike other schemes, will allow you to directly convert your dividends back into tokens, increasing your ability to earn more dividends.

Built for Longevity

Seriously, no self destruct, no exit scam. This contract will fluctuate in price and pay out dividends until the Ethereum network dies. At any time, you can sell your tokens back to the smart contract for the current price, or withdraw/convert the dividends you've accumulated!

More about Us

  • Managed by a smart contract entirely

  • no human involvement in managing the ethereum, at all. Period.

  • Automatic pricing

  • Value is directly related to how many tokens exist at any time.

  • Volume based earning

  • 10% of all volume is taken as fees, and is automatically split out as Eth to all token holders.

  • Active-income Staking

  • Masternode system allows you to recruit more and get instant ETH rewards. Plus everyone gains from the volume!

  • Not a "Concept" token

  • Each token has intrinsic value, as every token is backed by the eth already in the contract (try to find another crypto that does this).

  • Whats PoHD thought this was PoJ

  • Well think of the Power of High Dividends brought to you by Proof of Japan... yah!