BECA (Ballet Para Cada Alumno)
Ballet For Every Student
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Which group are you interested in signing up? *
Student name: *
(First and last name)
Birthdate: *
School: *
(If the students its not longer attending to any school please write N/A)
Grade: *
(If the students its not longer attending to any school please write N/A)
Address: *
Street / City / State / Zip Code
Mother's first and last name:
Father's first and last name:
Telephone number: *
(A parent or legal guardian telephone number is requerid if the student is under 18 years old)
Email (optional):
In case of emergency who can we contact? *
(Full name and telephone number)
Describe any physical conditions that may limit the student to practice or perform this activity:
Parent or legal guardian consent waiver
By typing my name below, I hereby authorize staff and volunteers to act for me according to their best judgment in case of an  emergency requiring medical attention.

By typing my name below, I hereby acknowledge the right to use photographs and video taken during classes and performances for publicity purposes.

By typing my name below, I hereby agree to hold, defend, and indemnify Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Grupo Folklorico Quetzalen, Sonoma Conservatory of Dance, the staff, instructors and volunteers. 

Parent or legal guardian *
***Consent waiver***

By typing my name I hereby authorize staff and volunteers to act for me according to their best judgment in case of an  emergency requiring medical attention.

By typing my name I hereby acknowledge the right to use photographs and video taken during classes and performances for publicity purposes.

By typing my name I hereby agree to hold, defend, and indemnify Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Grupo Folklorico Quetzalen, Sonoma Conservatory of Dance, the staff, instructors and volunteers. 

Parent or legal guardian please enter your first and last name below:
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