Submit feedback - WISE
Feel that WISE needs to or can do better? The feedback you submit here will be reviewed by the Board and Core Team every month. The more information you can provide, the more effectively we will be able to decide how important the problem/issue is, and how it should be solved/addressed. Thank you!

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Optional: (1) In case we would like clarify some questions; (2) To inform you personally of the action taken
What is the problem that requires solving, or the issue that should be addressed? *
What will be the consequences of not solving the problem, or not addressing the issue?
Which area of governance or strategic action(s) does the problem or issue more relate to, if any?
What solution(s) do you think should be implemented to solve the problem or address the issue?
How will the solution(s) solve the problem or address the issue?
What resources do you think will be required to implement the solution(s)?
If the solution(s) are implemented, what should be the next steps?
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