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about From Comfort, the new social network
The future us️ A startup changing the Internet.Name&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Comfort Location&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp NYC We are developing a social network that allows groups to collaborate with the use of artificial intelligence.

Comfort is at @comfort_app on Twitter and @comfortapp on Tumblr. links 1 twitter
2 email
3 send your resume
4 blog
5 original chatbot
6 apply
More About Here’s the problem that we solve: Groups on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and Discord have pain modifiying their platform to be useful in a specific domain. Comfort uses artificial intelligence to create a seamless, customized experience for groups who need to share and collaborate.

long term vision
The ultimate vision of Comfort is to build out a mesh network that replaces current providers of Internet and phone connectivity. We do this by acquiring users, then utilizing our large user base to create a mesh network. In the short term, we are acquiring users by creating a more efficient social network.

business model
Comfort will not make profit from selling users’ data. We will generate revenue by charging users to make phone calls.
Our marketing and sales strategy is to invite groups to a website like theirs but better. Invitation links are key.

tech capabilities (hiring)
By the end of the summer, we want Comfort to be an natural language processing enabled social network on Android and iOS that allows groups to collaborate with more ease than current alternatives.

Currently looking at migrating a Dialogflow chatbot to the Rasa NLP library, as well integrating NLP into social networking apps built in CSS/HTML for Android (Java) and iOS (Swift).

The founder cannot code in Java and is not familiar with the Rasa AI library, so familiarity with AI and Java is especially valuable.

about the founder
I’m Ender, a rising junior in Columbia University majoring in Applied Math. I’m formally trained in Python and self-taught in CSS, HTML, and Swift. I use no pronouns. Currently fundraising from VCs. Wikipedia Page Theme
