
Connect with your clients. Boost your sales.

Most businesses struggle to connect what they do to their customers' success. They focus on the company mission and often forget that clients are looking for someone to support them. Not steal their spotlight.

When you fail to connect your company mission to your customer's needs, they walk away in search of someone to understand them. To help solve their problem. And they buy from someone else.

Through the power of storytelling, I can help you bridge the gap between what your company is trying to share and what your audience perceives. Helping them connect you to their success. And confidently buy your service.

I'm Eli, a high converting copywriter who helps companies like yours shape their message effectively to strengthen brand awareness, nurture relationships with your readers, and grow your business.

My Work In The Wild

UpCity Blog: Why Your E-Commerce Needs A Responsive Website: When a visitor checks your website on their phone, you have about 3 seconds to convince them to stay. If your website takes forever to load, doesn’t display all the information, or shows a tiny desktop screen (you know the one), they’re out. A responsive website improves the way your information is displayed, optimizes loading speeds, and enhances user experience. Which means more leads and higher conversions.

ClearBrand Blog: 3 Keys To Nail Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy: An affiliate program is a program you sign up for to promote a product or service and receive a commission for every sale you drive. When you refer your audience to an already reputable source, they’re going through you to make the sale, but you’re not making the sale yourself. This helps you expand your profit without having to invest in more technology, outsourcing, or additional services to run your own business.

The Startup: 3 Simple Steps To A Memorable Brand: When your brand is all over the place, you scare off any clients because they can’t figure you out. Even worse, they can’t remember you. Clarity is key to helping your customers remember you. From your purpose to your visual brand identity, showing up cohesively wherever you are is the secret to staying on people’s minds.


Recently launched client projects with ClearBrand

Dana Rayburn, ADHD Coach

CIG Construction

DF Labs

Beyond Mortgage

180 Closet Design

Created By
Eliana Ifill