Best Time To Post On Tiktok - Artclip.-Vi

There is a widely known fact that the best time to post on TikTok, and on other social media platforms, is strongly correlated with your chance to become popular with certain communities with your newly made content. And if you want to get viral in TikTok, you shouldn't underestimate this fact.

Why The TikTok Community Wants to Know The Best Time to Post On It?

What the Rules?

Yeas, there are exceptions to the rules, indeed. But let's be realistic: it's the only couple of percent of the post is getting popular right away and it doesn't matter what time they were posted. 

Indeed, it's a tough problem to answer right away. Particularly when you consider the constantly growing number of users and pace at which platform is moving. 

The TikTok itself currently has millions active users around the world, and this number is rising. Teenagers on the platform are now global superstars in a matter of hours. The trends on TikTok are changing in the blink of an eye.

Nowadays, when most individuals are sitting in their houses or apartments while waiting for the successful finishing of the ending of the COVID-19 era, this fairly new social media platform is becoming more and more famous.

So many people, especially the young generation, are trying to be number one and get popular in their niche or among their friends. And it seems like the game is just starting, in terms of who will be the next well-known person on TikTok.

To Get Viral on TikTok Is a Matter of Time

There are some essential strategies to get viral on TikTok. And one of those is followed question: when you should post your video on this popular platform to get the top results. TikTok growth strategies are always changing and changing. 

However, a little planning is better than siting with your phone and waiting for miracle. Particularly when you are able to improve engagement and increase your followers by sharing content at times when the majority of your followers are online.

In this article, we will try to unveil all the aspects of how to choose the best time to publish on TikTok and what other factors you should consider getting viral with your post.

Find Your Perfect Time to Post on TikTok

Become a King of TikTok

Let's start with the question: Are you going to be famous for TikTok worldwide or locally? I know, the answer probably would be: throughout the globe. And i's because of what everyone wants to achieve, of course.

Ideally, times to post on TikTok are between 6 and 10 in the morning and 7-11 in the evening. But, to be honest, it's kind of a tough problem and has its hidden trick. The challenge is that our entire Earth is divided into certain time zones. Buy the way, the time of TikTok posting we revealed above was Eastern Time (ET).

And if you decided to showcase your post to all people in the world, you presumably won't be able to do that. It's simply because someone will be sleeping at this particular time. Your position will be missing and videos won't be capable of interacting with your audience. In other words: no engaging, no likes, no followers.

Best Time To Post On Tiktok - Artclip

Why the Time to Post on TikTok is so important?

It's clear fact that it's impossible to cover the whole world instantly with only one post.

For that reason, we should select our steps towards success wisely. If you will be capable of leveraging your time posting and choose the best period to publish, it would help to trick TikTok's algorithm.

How to Hack the TikTok's Engine?

First, the platform itself sends your media to the group of users and measuring their interaction with your video. When people are doing certain reactions (likes, comments, followers, etc.) the system decides it's worth boosting your post or not. That's why it's crucial to understand your viewers and their behaviour.

How not to be Wrong When Choosing the Best Time to Post on TikTok?

What is Your Target Audience?

It all depends on your target audience. If you were curious at least a little throughout the marketing, you should've heard about this term. Marketers are always building their plans before taking action.

Why not borrow that wise method and begin to determine who would be interested in your content?

Start to think, who would be engaged in your video. To do that, it's a good idea to put yourself as a viewer. Try to look at the upcoming post as an independent user.

What is this footage about? Which topic covers that video? Are you going to share this post? Why?

Time Zones and Their Impact on the TikTok Engagement

When you are choosing your potential viewer, you should assume in which region that person lives.

For example: What if, let's say, you want to perform the breakdancing?

If we will google the history of this amazing approach to dancing, we would discover that the B-boying was originated in New York between the 60s and 70s.

And it was first introduced to South Korea by American soldiers in the 80s, where was promoted to the world as a well-known part of their lifestyle.

If you type the question: How many hours are Korea from New York? The answer would be around 14 hours. That means, to impact on both sides, you will have to make your performance at least twice: For New Yorkers and for Korean fellows.

A  Time Conversion Tool for TikTok

What Is The Best Time To Post On Tiktok?

You'll need to utilize a tool for conversion to figure out the most suitable moment to upload your video to TikTok in the area where your audience is located. But how can you tell precisely where your target market is located?

You can make use of free online tools such as TimeAnddate, EveryTimezone or similar to accomplish this.

The best times for you to share content on TikTok are a good beginning point. In reality, every user, influencer or even a brand will have different best times for posting on TikTok.

How do you determine the most optimal times to share your content on such popular platform for your followers?

The best time to publish a TikTok video is different for each individual and there's no universal solution that fits all. The location of your target audience's interest, age and gender all be a factor. We are humans and every artist and each follower is not the same.

If you're trying to be ahead of your competition and are serious about finding the most appropriate moment to publish on TikTok There are several ways you can go about it.

From Theory to Practise

The best time to publish the most content on TikTok is during the time when followers are active. To determine this, go to your analytics dashboard and then tap the Followers tab on the top. Scroll down and you'll find a pane named Follower Activity. This page provides all the data you require to know the best time to publish on TikTok.

But it's the only assumption. In reality, there is no guarantee that your next post will generate lots of views and likes at the time. There were given some research by the courtesy of Influencer Marketing Hub and they figured out the best time to post on TikTok.

Influencer Marketing Hub conducted a study of more than 100,000 posts in order to answer the question "What is the most appropriate time to make a post for TikTok?" It figured out the best times to post for every day of the week. These are the results, listed as Eastern Time (ET). You can simply look around the chart below and start planning your best time to post on TikTok according to that timing (in EST)

Best Time To Post On Tiktok (Est)

Best Time to Post On TikTok (EST)

Consider to convert the time shown to your time zone. All data that is included in TikTok analytics is stored to be recorded in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Therefore you'll have to convert the time when your followers are the most active to what time zone is your target audience's area of residence.

Choose the Best Times Wisely to Post on TikTok

To sum up, finding the ideal period to post your video on TikTok isn't easy. Every person has different behaviour and habits. That's why you have to think about making some small shifts to the timing based on who is your target audience.

It all depends on who is that person, what age they have and so on. For example, If you like to play computer games the whole nighttime, that may be your potential followers are doing the same and most active during the night hours.

Don't forget to monitor your content's performance over time on TikTok!

It isn't easy to recognize patterns within the TikTok analytics with confidence. Any choice you make will be a bit sloppy and may require some of your own guesswork. 

Furthermore, the application only displays the last seven calendar days' worth of information and removes analytics data after only 28 days. If you truly would like to determine the most appropriate moment to publish on TikTok You must do some research. 

Another tip is that you can make use is your other accounts on social media to determine the ideal time to post on TikTok. Go onto your accounts on the different platforms and look at the statistics.

For more information take a look at our guide to analytics available on other social media platforms. You could find out the times when your followers are the most active. 

Convert the times shown for them in TikTok (which is the UTC time zone) to your followers' time zone. If you want to, make use of any of your social accounts in order to determine the ideal time to publish on TikTok. Just log onto the other social media accounts you have and look at the statistics.

You should always make some adjustments in your posting schedule to make maximum traffic to your profile. To do that, eventually, you will reach as many fans as you need. And don't forget to make a high-quality video to attract even more audience for your famous TikTok account. Be Famous!