Recapture the Look, Feel, and Allure of Your Earlier Years Today... This Will Leave You Speechless

Discover how one single substance can make a radical difference in your appearance... and in how energetic you feel.

If you're a day over 30...

And if you're not, I have some important news for you too.

You may already be noticing fine wrinkles on your face...

You know the ones I'm talking about. Smile lines, crow's feet at the corners of your eyes

Your hair may be getting thinner and breaking more easily than when you were younger.

You may notice your joints creak or ache more than they used to.

Or you might suffer embarrassing digestive issues such as gas and bloating.

Worst of all, your doctor, family, or friends might claim there's nothing you can do about it - that it's just part of "aging"...

But why then, do some people look and act so amazing as they age?

There always seems to be certain people who look even more attractive at 40, 50, or later, than they appeared at 25 or 30...

Of course, celebrities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their appearance. So let's leave them out of this for now. 

Still, you may have a friend or acquaintance who never seems to look older or even age at all. Yet they don't seem to do anything special...

I get it. And believe me, it's not your fault. You might even be doing smart things to take back your health. Which is great!

"So what gives?"

mature woman sitting on a wall

Is it one-in-a-million genetics or the "luck of the draw"?

Perhaps, but not likely. After all, more than one in a million find stunning good looks and a generous level of vitality through their 40's, 50's, and even later...

Simple genetics or just plain luck never account for all of your looks and sense of well-being.

Wouldn't you love to know the secret of how to override your genetics and create your own luck instead?

The secret? Missing out on one simple protein (which our ancestors ate in abundance) can set you up for rapid aging... aging disastrously...

And missing this protein can result in...

  • Early wrinkles and bags under your eyes
  • Joints that limit your ability to enjoy life the way you want
  • Hair and nails that lose their luster and strength
  • Gut damage that interferes with nutrient absorption
  • Energy deficits compared to when you were younger

It's not that you're not trying to take good care of yourself. After all, there's a ton of misinformation out there.

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Beginning in the 1970s, doctors and medical experts came together and pushed for the public to start eating different cuts of meats they determined were "healthier" for us...

Meanwhile older celebrities manage to look 20 or 30 years younger than they are...

A friend or acquaintance is aging like a fine wine... and still turning heads wherever they go...

Would you finally like what they have? Great...

Because I'm going to uncover exactly what you need to level the playing field and look better than ANYONE your age

And have everyone asking you, "What's your secret?"  as they look at you full of envy.

And why my solution is not only my best-selling product that has helped thousands of people in the past 4 years alone...

But is also the purest, most absorbable and trusted variety on the market today (really)...

AND it creates a REAL, proven difference that you will see on your face and feel in your body... within just days.

This fountain-of-youth-in-a-bottle is perfect for anyone who wants to:

  • Improve and maintain skin elasticity
  • Decrease the appearance of wrinkles, fine. lines, & dark circles.
  • Help promote healthy bones & joints
  • Support a healthy gut lining to eliminate embarrassing bloating
  • Help support digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Improve appetite control and accelerate fat loss.
  • Boost energy and overall vitality
collagen scoop

Some people claim this protein doesn't get fully absorbed by your body, and is "useless" to take, that we can get it all from our diet, etc., etc...

And frankly, these people are lying to you.

As a licensed M.D. and renowned Functional Medicine physician who has treated literally THOUSANDS of patients...

And conducted thousands of hours of medical research...

I'm here to tell you that your body is in desperate need of this protein.

Because you're not getting nearly enough from your diet to save you from premature aging, joint degeneration, and the chronic belly bloating...

Trust me. These ugly symptoms absolutely rob you of your quality of life.

I've saved lives on the emergency room trauma floor...

And helped thousands of patients around the world reverse their complex and chronic health challenges at my renowned Functional Medicine clinic...

So I'm confident in saying I know exactly what the consequences of missing out on this crucial protein are.

That's why I urge you to keep reading, because I know you want glowing skin even your signficant other will notice...

Softer, plumper lips...

Joints that feel 10, 20, or even 30 years younger...

Skin that feels like silk all over, saying goodbye to wrinkles, fine lines, and dark circles...

And a flat tummy (finally, no bloating!) and relief from other gut issues ranging from embarrassing to downright dangerous, such as leaky gut, food sensitivities, and more...


I noticed a difference in my hair skin and nails in about 3 weeks, and felt better after 2 weeks! I feel like I have more energy during the day and I sleep better at night. I would highly recommend this product to anyone! A definite must have!

Svetlana F.


I think it has really helped me to lose my belly fat. Something I never thought would happen after all the years I carried the excess weight which is now gone, along with the belly fat!

Drucilla T.

So you may be wondering at this point, "Who are you?"

And that's a great question... because I'm telling you things that may sound too good to be true...

But I assure you they're not. These are very real results...

You just have to understand why many medical "professionals" out there DON'T want you to have access to this crucial protein.

So here's my story...

Hi. I'm Dr. Amy Myers,

Two-time New York Times bestselling author & world-renowned Functional Medicine physician. Back in 2005, I developed an autoimmune condition-and my life was thrown into chaos.

Conventional medicine failed me and it is my mission to not have it fail you too.

While I was in medical school, I got really, really sick.

The symptoms were mysterious, but very serious, and they nearly led to me dropping out of school.

I begged my doctor for help, but she brushed me off repeatedly...

And after being misled and misdiagnosed over and over...

I ended up sicker than I ever could have imagined.

Long story short, I had to take my health into my own hands.

This was one of the key tools I used to help reverse my symptoms and finally get my life back.
Now, I'm an M.D. myself.

Now, I'm an M.D. myself.

After completing my residency in Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland, I worked at Dell Children's Hospital and Brackenridge Hospital in Austin, Texas...

And by the time I retired from clinical practice and opened up my state-of-the-art Functional Medicine clinic, I saw countless desperate patients every year.

So many of whom were struggling with all the problems we just assume are inevitable as we age, such as:

  • 🚫 Sagging, wrinkling skin
  • 🚫 Brittle, thinning hair
  • 🚫 Nails that chip and break
  • 🚫 Leaky gut and worsening digestive issues
  • 🚫 Belly bloating and weight gain
  • 🚫 And painful, aching joints.

You may be thinking...

"That just sounds like getting old to me."

And in the past I would have agreed with you, it sounds exactly like what conventional medicine brainwashes you to believe...

That you're simply doomed to a life of despair as you age, that you will inevitably grow uglier...



And suffer in more pain...

That you must turn to costly, risky surgeries or addictive drugs that could wreak even more havoc on your life...

And your only choice is to look on hopelessly in envy at the younger people around you who still have their prime years ahead of them...

But what I'm about to tell you may shock you.

It's all a big fat lie.


Because greedy corporations and giant pharmaceutical companies stand to make A LOT more money off YOUR premature aging and sickness.

They want nothing more than to see you scramble to fix yourself with their drugs and surgeries once it's already too late...

Because they know at that point they have you enslaved to their expensive "treatments" FOREVER.

And I know what I'm talking about...

I've had my finger on the pulse of cutting edge medicine as a practicing M.D. for nearly 2 decades now, treating thousands of patients...

And now reaching hundreds of thousands more in over 120 countries  worldwide.

And I feel obligated as a medical doctor to share with you my incredible findings on this age-defying protein so you can reap its benefits... RIGHT NOW.

Just like you, my patients wanted to find a solution that didn't involve expensive medical procedures, or useless face creams and snake oil...

Something that would actually help them look like that friend who never seems to age,

To regain that youthful feeling of confidence and comfort  that comes from smooth skin, shiny hair, and healthy joints...

I knew it was possible because simple genetics or just plain luck never account for all of your looks and sense of well-being.

In fact, what I discovered is that your genes often only account for 25% of your health.

This means that you have a lot of control over how you look and feel...

So much of it has to do with what you actually put in your body.

So I sought out to find exactly  what that youth-preserving protein was...

And what I uncovered was nothing short of miraculous.

It was so immediately effective and life-changing that it's garnered more than 257,258 orders in the past four years alone...

People like Taylor N.:

Unbelievable Difference!

"I've not yet had a supplement that has had such a quick and strong impact... ever... I'm not even sure I recognize myself in the mirror!"

Or Wendy S.:

Smoother Skin Already

"I have been using this product for just a few weeks and I already noticed a tightening in my skin. My joints are becoming more flexible, too."

And get this - these people have achieved these amazing results...

Without surgery, without Botox, without any kind of medical treatment.

... All because of a rare, all-but-forgotten combination of 4 key amino acids your body MUST ingest to create young, healthy-looking skin, flexible joints, and a strong gut lining.

This missing combination includes the rare and difficult-to-obtain amino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and alanine.

You may otherwise know it as Collagen Protein.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, and plays a vital role in synthesizing the tissues that make up your joints, ligaments, gut lining, as well as your hair, skin, and nails.

It comprises 90% of your connective tissues and 70% of your skin...

And is quite literally the "glue" that holds your body together.

So in other words, it's pretty important.

But if you're reading this right now, you're losing it in bunches by the day, and you're no doubt looking and feeling older as a result.

Why? Well...

There are 2 main reasons people today are dangerously low in Collagen.

And I'm going to quickly cover them both...

Because once you understand how the deck is stacked against you,

You'll be able to understand precisely what you need to do to fix this problem...

So that you can ensure you live the longest, healthiest, and most energy-filled life possible.

Reason #1: Starting around age 25, you stop producing as much Collagen as you used to.

For many this happens even earlier. By 35, most of us really start noticing it...

And by age 60, you will have lost over one-half of your body's total Collagen.

To make matters worse...

Many lifestyle factors you may have been exposed to deplete Collagen even faster: eating gluten, dairy, and processed foods, stress, smoking, and getting too much sun.

This year-by-year decline in your body's natural Collagen production is a huge reason you "look old" as you age, and explains why:

  • Your skin wriggles and sags
  • Your hair gets thinner and nails get more brittle
  • Digestion, gut-related issues, and bloating become more common
  • Your joints stiffen and click as you move
  • It's harder to keep weight off and maintain strong muscle tone

Signs of Aging... or Signs of a Misguided Diet?

There were 4.4 million botox procedures  administered in the United States last year, making up nearly half of all plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures For perspective fewer than 800,000 were done in the year 2000!

Wrinkles and sagging skin are clearly  on the rise, and people are desperate  to stop them before their faces look old and haggard. 

And it's not just the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and weak hair and nails...

More than 58.5 million people suffer from disabling arthritis in the United States alone, 23% of all adults!

And the scary part?

That number is set to skyrocket to 78 million adults by 2040... meaning you or someone close to you will likely suffer from this terrible disease.

Now, you might be saying "Arthritis is just a part of getting old."

That's completely false! Arthritis is NOT a normal part of aging.

Arthritis is a joint disease that is not a foregone conclusion of aging...

You can support your joints and give your body the vital building blocks it needs to nourish your connective tissues and sidestep arthritis.

The same goes for IBS  (irritable bowel syndrome). Did you know that in 1980, about 4 million people suffered from IBS in the US...

Today about 35 million people suffer from IBS, about two-thirds of which are women.

In summary...

We have soaring rates of botox injections, debilitating arthritis, and IBS all happening simultaneously...

And a modern diet that's far different from past generations, when they had far fewer of these problems.

Is it just a coincidence...

Or could there be a connection?

REASON #2: The Western Diet emphasizes muscle meats that lack Collagen... worsening Collagen depletion as we age.

What if I told you that the other factor that's bleeding you dry of your collagen is not your fault...

It's actually a lie perpetuated by low-fat proponents, Big Food, and conventional doctors ever since the 1970s. 

If you counter this threat, you can dramatically increase the amount of Collagen in your body...

Our Paleo ancestors regularly ate the cuts of meat that safeguarded them from gut complaints and premature aging... and they didn't let any part of the animal go to waste. They ate it - organ meats and all. 

Cuts of meat that are almost completely non-existent in our modern diets.

To highlight this, take this quick quiz.

(WARNING: What your answer reveals is going to alarm you.)

Which of the following foods have you eaten in the past 6 months?

A: Turkey breast

B: Tripe Stew

C: Hamburger

D: Chicken gizzards

E: Fish filet

All right, which ones did you select?

If you're like most people, you probably answered A, C, and E.

Today we eat primarily muscle meats — beef steak, chicken breasts and legs, pork loin (the back muscle)...


Well, during the 1970s, scientists decided that lean cuts of muscle meats were healthier than collagen-rich fattier cuts, skin, organs and giblets our ancestors thrived on.

People ditched their collagen-rich bone marrow stews and sweetbreads in favor of lean chicken and Hamburger Helper®.

But new research (as well as my extensive clinical practice) shows those 1970s scientists were DEAD WRONG.

The collagen-rich organs, skin, and slow-cooked bone broth that your doctor and the food industry said were bad for you... 

...are the very same foods that are high in essential collagen protein, which your body actually needs to thrive!

Introducing The Myers Way® Collagen Protein

get collagen today

The World's #1 Physician-Formulated Collagen

  • Improves skin elasticity and encourages a youthful, radiant appearance
  • Promotes thick, shiny hair and strong nails
  • Supports a healthy gut lining and normal intestinal permeability
  • Helps maintain strong bones and joints
  • Accelerates fat loss and fosters optimal muscle tone

"Over 1000 5-star reviews!"

Your Collagen Protein is packed with 12 grams of nothing but pharmaceutical-grade, pure, hydrolyzed bovine Collagen peptides... glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and alanine.

Sourced from the world's most undisturbed grass-fed cows.

I combed the planet... and eventually found farms in South America with beautiful, grass-grazing, sun-soaked animals raised with love and care, and perfect for my Collagen Protein.

Why did I choose cows from South American pastures? Well...

Put simply, they say no to big-agra farming, hormone injections, antibiotics, and atrocious factory farm practices... which unfortunately plague our country and floods the market with tainted, chemical-laden collagen supplements.

And speaking of these low-cost collagen imposters...

Can you really trust the source of your collagen?

Did you know that factory-farmed cattle in America are fed diets of plastic pellets full of toxic chemicals such as BPA, dried blood meal (yuck), feather meal and even the fecal waste of other farm animals?

It's true... and to make matters even worse, the blood, feathers, and noxious byproducts force fed to these cattle is teeming with antibiotic-resistant super bacteria, arsenic-based growth promoters, asthma medications, and artificial growth hormones designed to make cattle as fat as possible...

And even deadly viruses such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (You may have heard it called by its other name... Mad Cow Disease.)

This is why it was my #1 goal to find the world's healthiest and most cared-for cows, and I found them in sunny Brazil.

And because these cows are grass-fed, pasture-raised, and free of poisonous hormones, antibiotics and GMOs...

The Myers Way® Collagen Protein is the purest and most absorbable Collagen in the world.

But that's not the only thing that sets it apart, not even close.

The 3 Things that Set My Collagen Protein Apart from All Others

What makes Amy Myers, M.D. Collagen Protein the fastest-acting, most effective Collagen in the world?

Difference-Maker #1: It's the most absorbable, body-ready formulation of Collagen available to the public. 

My pharmaceutical-grade Collagen peptides are hydrolyzed types I & III. This means the Collagen Protein molecules are broken down into tiny, perfectly-absorbable molecules for your body to repair its skin, connective tissues, gut lining, and support your joints... immediately.

Difference-Maker #2: Easy to use! My Collagen Protein is tasteless, odorless, and never clumps! No lumps or gritty mess at the bottom of your cup! Better yet, it dissolves instantly in ALL liquids, hot or cold.

Difference-Maker #3: It's from a source you can actually trust.  People have purchased more than 257,258 jars of my Collagen Protein to take back their health and appearance... in the past four years alone.

See, Feel, and Enjoy Incredible Results in Just Days

Supple Skin, My Husband Loves it Too!

"Collagen Protein is great! Not only has it helped to stop leaky gut, I am noticing a difference in my nails, hair, and skin. My nails always broke; now, they are longer and stronger than I've ever been able to grow them. My hair seems to be shinier and my hairdresser noted that very little of it came out when she washed it. Since I am older, I did not expect to see a difference in my wrinkles; but, even my skin feels more supple. After using this for a couple of weeks, I suggested that my husband give it a try. He is also noticing a difference in how he feels (less gas and bloating) and his skin feels softer. This is a great product!" -Barbara G.

The Best Collagen Out There

"I love Collagen Protein, you can see the results right away! In as little as two weeks after taking this product I noticed my skin became very hydrated, soft and plump, especially in my face and neck. Even my feet look moisturized and vibrant. I usually add a scoop to my cup of coffee every morning and drink it knowing I am getting my supply of good Collagen peptides plus all the amazing amino acids it contains! All without the hassle of constantly preparing bone broth. I just recently bought my third batch and will definitely come back for more!" -Louise B.


Imagine Re-living The Prime Years Of Your Life
Right Now... No Matter How Old You Are.

Remember, the aging process is not about a number...

Rather, it all boils down to how much Collagen we give our body to work with to rebuild our tissues.

5 Benefits of a Single Scoop of The Myers Way® Collagen Protein...

1. Nourishes Your Gut Barrier At The Cellular Level

Your intestinal tract and gut barrier are made almost entirely out of Collagen. However, your gut barrier is only about one cell thick. It is easily damaged and made permeable by inflammatory foods, dysbiotic bacteria, and yeasts such as Candida.

Your gut barrier needs a constant  supply of Collagen in order to repair and rebuild itself. My grass-fed Collagen nourishes your gut barrier at the cellular level so that you can rest assured your gut barrier has everything it needs in order to maintain its integrity and actually function properly.

2. Encourages Weight Loss & Fat Burning

This is a biggie - one that my patients are often very excited about.

One of the most amazing benefits of Collagen Protein is its ability to help repair your gut. When your gut lining becomes damaged, bloating and water retention follow.

This in turn triggers inflammation in your abdomen... leading to the look of being six months pregnant... even if you're eating a perfectly clean and lean diet.

Don't let the food industry fool you... this is not your fault.

When you repair your gut with Collagen Protein, you'll finally get rid of that awful abdominal bloating and may lose several inches quickly. Your body can finally work to restore inflammation levels to normal, and halt the swelling and water retention causing the bloat!

Collagen also promotes a feeling of satiety, or "feeling comfortably full"...

Meaning you can put a scoop of Collagen Protein in your coffee or other drink of choice, and defeat your sugar and carb cravings all day.

And because each serving of The Myers Way® Collagen Protein  contains 12 grams of pure, pharmaceutical-grade Collagen immediately ready for your body to absorb, that "full and satisfied" feeling is even more pronounced.

Many of my patients and customers report significant weight loss and improved eating habits after just a couple of weeks taking The Myers® Way Collagen Protein.

3. Promotes Youthful-Looking Hair, Skin, and Nails

As we age, we produce less collagen. This collagen deficit is directly attributable to thinning hair, brittle nails, and wrinkling skin. By supplementing with pure, pharmaceutical-grade grass-fed Collagen Protein, you support and maintain your existing collagen structures, and help your body form new collagen, to promote thick, healthy hair, beautiful nails, and glowing, youthful skin with far better elasticity.

4. Helps Promote Joint Comfort

Collagen Protein is a fabulous source of proline and other collagen-specific amino acids. So it supports healthy joints in ways no other supplement can. Aging reduces collagen formation, which can translate to creaky, achy joints. Grass-fed collagen nourishes the cartilage that comprises your joint tissue, and protects your joints from inflammation. 

5. Promotes a healthy immune system and overall vitality.

The primary seat of your immune system is in your gut. So when your gut is healthy, you probably are too. This means you feel alive and vibrant, enjoy vitality, and enjoy life more.

All this, for less than 87 cents a day...

You get 38 servings (that's MORE than a month's worth!) of the world's finest Collagen Protein - hand-selected and tested by me, a licensed medical doctor.

Just as important is what we leave out. In The Myers Way® Collagen Protein, you won't find ANY of the toxic chemicals, inflammatory fillers and other needless ingredients that competitors add to their products to cut their costs and boost their profits.

You're only given ONE body in this life, so is it worth 87 cents to you to look and feel your absolute best every day?

Spoiler alert... yes it is. You are absolutely worth it.

You've been duped for far too long by unscrupulous interests making big money off of your aging and suffering... It's time to fight back.

This is your chance to finally reap the rewards you are due.

Will Collagen Actually Work For Me... And How Quickly Will I See Results?

The short answer is yes, it will! More than 257,258 patient and customer orders are proof!

Many people begin noticing positive results within just a few days, while others report clearer skin, fat burning and weight loss, fewer "clicks" in their joints, stronger nails, and other amazing changes within a week or two.

I'm so confident that Collagen Protein will work for you that I guarantee you'll see and feel life-changing results.

In an effort to silence the naysayers once and for all, let me address two common collagen myths from a licensed medical doctor viewpoint.

MYTH #1: Collagen can't be absorbed by the body because the molecule is too big.

FALSE! My Collagen is hydrolyzed, meaning it is broken down into tiny absorbable peptides that are scientifically-proven to be ready to use by your body.

Not only do they survive breakdown in your stomach... when you ingest my Collagen Protein, your body takes the skin- and gut-repairing amino acids and uses them specifically to support balanced blood sugar, heal leaky gut, and build connective tissues such as your skin, joints, and hair.

Myth #2: You should just eat more of ANY protein and your body will turn it into Collagen all the same. 

FALSE! Collagen is special because it contains extremely high quantities of the rare amino acids glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and alanine,  which all specifically work to repair and strengthen your skin, gut, joints, and connective tissues.

Unless you drink half a gallon of bone broth every day, your body will not get enough of these crucial building blocks. Without them, your body will simply use what amino acids it has available to do its many jobs...

And you may not like what your body ignores for want of this key nutrient.

Pure Collagen for My Gut

"Delightful... Amazing!! Both my husband and I experienced a huge improvement not only with our stomach distress issues, but with the health of our intestinal tract, as well. WONDERFUL PRODUCT!!" -Dolores S.

Incredible Value!

"Love that it is grass-fed/pasture-raised!!! It dissolves easily in hot or cold beverages and has no flavor! Great value for the price!" -Luz F.

90-Day Return Guarantee

100% Risk-Free.

I'm so confident you'll love The Myers Way® Collagen Protein, I'm offering a 90-day Return Guarantee. If you're dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason at all, simply reach out to my friendly Customer Success team within 90 days of purchase to find out how to send it back for a full refund of your purchase price... and no hard feelings


How quickly will I get my order?

We aim to process orders in 1-2 business days. Shipping is a free in the contiguous United States. We cannot guarantee how fast it will arrive on your doorstep once it leaves our warehouse, as it is in the hand of the carriers.

How will I get my free eBook?

A link to your free eBook will be included at the bottom of your email receipt.

Will I be forced into a subscription, like I have in the past by other companies?

Absolutely not. I do offer a Subscribe & Save Plan on all my products, but only if you elect to do so. Purchasing from this page today is a simple, one-time purchase.

What time of day should I take Collagen Protein?

The Myers Way® Collagen Protein is appropriate any time of the day, morning or night. I generally have a scoop or two in a glass of water first thing in the morning, or if I happen to be making a protein smoothie for breakfast, I'll mix it into that for a powerful skin rejuvenating boost!

Can I take Collagen Protein on an empty stomach?

You can take it with or without food, whichever is most convenient for you.

Is Collagen Protein safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children?

While many moms and dads tell me they give Collagen Protein to their kids, I always recommend speaking with your child's pediatrician or nutritionist if you have concerns about any of the ingredients or adjusting the dosing for them. And, as always, I recommend reaching out to your physician, midwife, or other qualified healthcare practitioner if you have any concerns before using it while pregnant or breastfeeding.

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"The best Collagen I've tried." -Monique D.

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