Recent News


  • eric
    State of the Site - March 2025
    by eric

    Geez, time flies. I just realized what week it was.... I really hate forgetting things like an anniversary, and here I just did that.

    As of March 12th, we've been a fully independent site for two years. I couldn't be happier with how the community has responded since "The Split", and how you've all continued to help make this site a fun place to stop by.

    Thanks to the moderators and others who help keep the forums moving along, those who contribute to the library,...
    Today, 22:27 by
  • eric
    New Run8 Route - CSX Savannah Subdivision
    by eric

    HyRail Simulations and Run8Studios are out with a new route expansion to their Jacksonville Region -- the CSX Savannah Sub.

    The new route starts about 50 miles north of Savannah, and continues south another 40 miles, where it joins with the CSX Waycross Sub and ultimately to the A-Line Sub.

    There are two major yards in Savannah, two smaller yards, and some 20 industries along the way. CSX also hosts eight Amtrak movements a day across this line, including the AutoTrain,...
    02-13-2025, 15:11 by eric
  • eric
    Running Run 8
    by eric

    About three weeks ago, I bought a copy of Run 8, as I'd promised Brad (owner of 3DTrainStuff and Run8studios) many months ago that I'd give it a try. This was long overdue, as it's been out since 2012. Now that I've used it a bit, what John Greenstone and the team have accomplished is nothing short of remarkable. They've made significant advances in train handling, physics and functionality, particularly multi-player, that set a new benchmark for what train simulation should be. I intentional...
    Today, 22:27 by
  • eric
    New Hoppers from TrainSimulations
    by eric

    Last night on the way home from work, I passed a freight train with a hundred or so covered hoppers, coming from one of the many DeLong elevators located along the Harvard Sub.

    It's not often that I can recreate what I saw 18 hours ago, but the guys at TrainSimulations just made that possible.

    Two sets of ACF hoppers are out today -- one for CSX and one for UP.

    Each set comes with 24 ready to run hoppers, suitable for a mostly modern setting with some CSXT...
    01-17-2025, 19:04 by eric
  • eric
    State of the Site - January 2025
    by eric

    Welcome to 2025! You might have noticed that things are mostly the same, but a little different around the edges here and there.... The upgrade to vBulletin 6.0.8 was done Tuesday, January 7th, and after 18 hours, the only issues that haven't been addressed and need some help from the vendor are some missing icons and scaling issues for the few folks who don't have a square avatar. Total downtime was..... 12 minutes. With no data loss and a fully supported product under the hood, I'm very grat...
    Today, 22:27 by
  • eric
    The Night Before Christmas....
    by eric

    'Twas the Night before Christmas, and all through the yard,
    Not a whistle was blowing, not a steam plume stirred.
    The engines, all silent, in slumber did sleep,
    While visions of passengers danced in their dreams.

    The rails, silver gleamed in the pale moon's light,
    As signals stood frozen, no red to ignite.
    No coal clattered down, no pistons did churn,
    Only soft winter snowflakes softly did turn.

    On the roundhouse roof, perched high with...
    12-24-2024, 22:54 by eric
  • eric
    State of the Site - November 2024
    by eric

    Here we are already at the end of November. Where has the year gone?...

    While I try to do an article the last week of the month, that didn't happen for October.

    That particular week, my wife and I were working on our property in Tennessee, and as can happen with any construction project, we ran a bit behind schedule. What should have been a three day project to build our first permanent structure (an oversized shed) turned into a week. While I thought I had all the supplies...
    11-26-2024, 22:19 by eric
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Recent Topics


New to Train Simulation?


If you don't already have software, you can download the OpenRails Train Simulator and a free ready-to-run starter route.

As new accounts may not be immediately able to use the file library here, directly to follow this link to go to and download their Starter Route for Open Rails.

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Serving 1,675 files to 371 users over the past 24 hours, and 11,007 files to 1,560 users over the past week. 133 users active over the past two hours.

Random Style of the Day: AmForum

The National Passenger Rail Corporation's first livery consisted of a nationalistic red, white and blue, which looked clean on the stainless steel cars inherited from the railroads who joined Amtrak in 1971.