Ex-Affiliate Marketer’s Exclusive Group Turns Struggling Entrepreneurs


You will get N5000 back if you don't find this community valuable after 30 days.

Letter From Shiphrah Edem

Abuja, Nigeria

20th May, 2024

Dear Struggling Online Business Owner,

You are here because...

You are tired of seeing other people like yourself making progress in their businesses, posting their results on social media and making huge profits, while you're stuck in one place.

And if we are to be honest, you are even better than some of them.

If there is anyone that totally understands your pain, that would be me-

An ex- affiliate marketer who struggled for nearly 7 months before making my first N100,000.

And then got stuck there for the next 6 months while my colleagues and the people I taught became millionaires.

But just like you're about to, I found a way out and started helping other struggling business owners do the same.

So YES, I am going to help you.

But first,

Let's begin with some testimonies...

The first time I spoke with Paragon, he complained about how he had been struggling to get things done and grow his business.

He had great ideas but couldn't push them to make anything tangible from it.

But after he joined this exclusive group I'll be introducing you to later, this is what he had to say.

Then there is also Winner, who was struggling to create content for his personal brand on Twitter.

Just like many business owners, he didn't know what to post to get engagement and visibility for his brand.

When he got into this exclusive community, he consumed a special tutorial for members alone and this is what he had to say.

So I don't waste your time...


- If you don't have a specific financial, personal or business goal you want to achieve.

- If you don't like to be held accountable and pushed to hit your goals.

- If you don't like sharing your challenges to get help.

- And if you're not open to learning new strategies.

If you promise that you are not in this category,

then read the next part slowly.

Haven't You struggled enough??

Jumping from one course to the other, looking for results, hoping that the new course has the magic trick and fairy godmother as a coach.

Feeling left out when you see other people doing the same business and showing off their results, while you struggle to make ends meet.

Confused and overwhelmed with so much information from different courses and books you have read to solve your problem,

Yet, you still don't know where to start implementing from?

You keep avoiding your friends and family because they call funny names and broke-shame you,

And you wished you had someone or people to talk to who would not judge you but help you get clarity and push you in the right direction.

It's time to change your style and start doing what works!

What if I told you ...

I found a highly effective and UNDERRATED method that

shattered my lonely struggles and

helped me build a magnetic persoanl brand online?

In 2023, after struggling to build a profitable personal brand on social media to sell my product and services,

I joined this vibrant community for online business owners and content creators,

And I found the missing piece of my puzzle.


Within the first 3 months of joining this community,

  • I became the executive assistant to a top shot in the African internet marketing space.
  • I learned 3 skills that improved my business- content marketing, video editing & lead generation
  • I connected with big names in the online marketing industry and started working with them directly. People like Kenny Nwokeye, Broda Dapo, Zim Simon, and Emmanuel Apke, the prince of copywriting.
  • I made friends with people who are 7 figure business owners who are just a DM away whenever I get stuck in my journey.
  • And recently, I got an invitation to collaborate with Nigeria's biggest online store, Selar.co

Now, I introduce you to the Create, Grow and Dominate Community (CGD)

An online community exclusively for online business owners, affiliate marketers, content creators, and freelancers who want to grow their brands and dominate in their industry.

When you join the Create, Grow and Dominate Community (CGD)

This is what you get:

  • Daily growth tips on business growth, content marketing, sales and personal growth.

  • Weekly accountability sessions: We share valuable goal-setting strategies and follow up on your goals.

  • Live shows on X and Linkedin on topics relating to business growth, personal branding, sales and marketing. Each member gets an opportunity to present and sell themselves to a larger audience.

  • Q&A sessions: You get responses from the experiences and knowledge of experienced members.

  • Practical Tutorials on the following areas:

✅ How to Make Profit from Your Online Business Before the Year Runs Out

✅ How to Use ChatGPT to Create Unlimited Contents in Your Unique Brand Voice

✅ How to Structure Your Online Business for Maximum Profit.

✅ How to use Storytelling to Increase Your Visibility Online.

✅ How to Use ChatGPT to Create Your Customer Avatar

✅ How to Create a one-page website for your business for free.

✅ A personal compilation of resources to teach you copywriting for free.

✅ You also get access to other resources and offers for free or at a discount price simply because you're in the community.

More testimonials from members of this community...

The love and support were overwhelming when she told the house about the health challenge she was battling with and why she could run her business...

He was almost giving up on his business and asked the community for some clarity....

It feels like home...

Now here is the best part...

A community like this should cost at least N150,000 and I am not just throwing random figures.

Someone even suggested that I should charge in dollars!

But today, you won't be paying N150,000 to join the community.

Neither would you pay half or half of half of that amount.

Here is your


Instead of paying a yearly recurring fee of N18,000 to be in this community,

You will pay a one-time access fee of

N6500 only


The price for joining this community won't remain

the same for long.


Because the value of this community increases every day with each

activity that occurs in the group.

This means that if you leave this page right now without getting your pass,

The next time you check, the price will be different...

...and this time it will be higher.

And besides...

If you participate 100% in this community, and you discover that it was a waste of your time and money,



Quickly tap on the green button to join in at N6500 only.


Why should I pay your community when I can find similar information online for free?

Of course, you will find 100s of communities online, but the Create, Grow and Dominate community is not just bombarding you with content you can find anywhere.

You are getting a supportive environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals, receive personalized guidance, and access exclusive resources and opportunities tailored to your needs.

I'm not sure about investing in another online community. How is yours different?

Your uncertainty is understood and that is exactly why this community is designed to stand out from the rest.

Because we prioritize practicality over theories and talks, we have activities like the CGD Live Shows where we help you build your confidence and communication skills, your positioning and authority by giving you an opportunity to speak at the Live shows on Twitter and LinkedIn Spaces

Also, the Accountability Sessions are about you and your goals, and we ensure that you are on the right track to achieve them.

Again, It is from your feedback and demands that we create tutorials that are tailored to your specific needs.

Where else can you get this premium value?

What if I don't have much time to dedicate to the community? Will I still benefit from joining?

Why not?

We understand that life can get busy, and that's why we've designed our community to accommodate members with different schedules.

While active participation is encouraged, we offer flexible access to resources and events, so you can engage at your own pace and convenience.

Whether you have a few minutes to spare each day or prefer to dive deep during dedicated sessions, you'll still find valuable insights, connections, and support.