Kerala Institute of Co-operative Management (KICMA), Neyyardam, Thiruvananthapuram is conducting an online CMAT mock test for MBA aspirants, which would help them to assess their level of knowledge and get familiarized with the CMAT Test process. All the participants will be given participation E-certificate.

Instructions to the participants:-
1.The participants will receive an Email with the "link" to attend the test.
2. Open the Test link and give your details clearly(Those details will reflect in the E-certificate of the Participation)
3. After submitting participant details, you can click on "Next" to start the Test containing 60 MCQs which should be submitted within 60 minutes.
4. We will inform you about the date and time of the test soon.

Note:- Please provide the same email id which was used at the time of registration for attending the test.
Email *
Full Name *
Mobile Number (Whatsapp) *
Alternate Number
Address *
Degree and Stream *
Degree Percentage *
Have you applied for CMAT aptitude test? *
Category *
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