<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2973cb55-699b-45d4-87ff-7008d766cb4e/life-buoy.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2973cb55-699b-45d4-87ff-7008d766cb4e/life-buoy.png" width="40px" /> If you have questions and/or would like to discuss your situation with a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative: please follow this link (if you haven’t yet connected with a Centre Representative) or please email the Centre Representative you have been in contact with.


Any member of the University Community can make a complaint after experiencing, witnessing, or otherwise becoming aware of an alleged incident of unwanted, uncomfortable, or unethical behaviour. Complaints may be reported in person, in writing, by telephone, or through the University’s Confidence Line to either Security Services, Student Affairs, Instructors, Chairs, Associate Deans, Deans, or MacEwan’s Sexual Violence Response Coordinator.

Before Filing a Complaint

When you are considering filing a complaint, always make sure to attempt to talk to your instructor (or other respondent) first. If you feel unsafe to do so or if the issue persists, you can forgo talking to your instructor (or other respondent) and move forward with filing a complaint through one or more of the various methods mentioned below.

Methods of Filing a Complaint

  1. If you decide to file an anonymous complaint, you can utilize MacEwan's Confidence Line. Please follow this link if you choose to file a complaint through the MacEwan Confidence Line. When you call the Confidence Line number, an operator will ask for the details of your report. Alternatively, you can choose to file the report online by entering the details yourself and generating a case file. If you are unsure whether the situation you want to report warrants a call to MacEwan's Confidence Line, you are still welcome to contact the line and they will provide you with direction.

  2. When filing a complaint against an instructor, one option you have is to contact a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative. They can listen to your complaint, guide you through the complaint intake process, and then pass along your complaint so it can be reviewed. You can connect with a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative through this link.

    Another option you have is to contact the Chair of the department that the instructor belongs to. (i.e. for a Sociology professor you would contact the Sociology Chair). A list of all MacEwan Chairs can be found at **this link.** If the Chair has not been helpful, you can reach out to the Associate Dean and/or Dean of the program to make a complaint or let them know about your issue. A list of all MacEwan Associate Deans & Deans can be found at **this link.** If, after looking through these links, you are still unsure of which Chair/Associate Dean/Dean to contact, please connect with a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative through this link.

  3. If you are considering filing a complaint against another student, our recommendation would be to reach out to the Student Conduct Officer at [email protected]. To learn more about the process of filing a complaint with MacEwan's Student Conduct Officer, please follow this link.

  4. If you are looking to file a complaint against a MacEwan staff member or an Office at MacEwan, please reach out to a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative through this link to discuss your options.

Appealing a decision

If you need to appeal a decision of a professor, chair, or other faculty member, please reach out to a SAMU Student Advocacy Centre Representative through this link to ask about appealing the specific decision you are concerned about. Please note that filing a complaint and appealing a decision can be done simultaneously if the situation warrants it.