Existing Client Consultation Form (ECCF)
Oh, We're glad you're back! As you know, your service satisfaction is our number one priority. That's why we will never assume anything as it relates to your desired hair care needs. Our client consultation process is another way that allows us the opportunity to stay up-to-date with your style requirements.

As you answer each section and or question, everything you can share with us concerning your last service visit will help us understand how to best serve you and helps to ensure an exceptional service outcome.

We thank you for choosing us and if you have any questions concerning what information to provide, don't hesitate to ask. Your ultimate satisfaction with us is our number one priority
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Home Address: *
Date of Last Service Visit (Estimate if you can't remember): *
What was the last service(s) your received (Check All That Apply): *
Please provide additional information you think may be important for us to know as it relates to the last service your received. (Please put "NA" if there is no additional information to share concerning your last appointment.) *
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