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Manifestation And The Law Of
Yes, you can have anything your heart desires through
applying the universal law of attraction. However, the key
is to really be in touch with your Higher Self in order for
your true heart’s desire to manifest for you on a
conscious level. If a desire comes to you which is
primarily revealed only through your personal ego – your
lower self – without actual guidance from your Higher
Self, then this desire has a lesser chance of manifesting.
How then do you tap into that part of you which is in
touch with your Higher Self ? The key is through
meditation. By stilling the body and the mind and
allowing your Higher consciousness to flow through you
in order to guide and direct your true desires. Turning
your energies inward and closing off all outside
distractions allows you to focus your attention on your
Higher consciousness which resides at the center of your
Now, once you are in touch and aligned with your true
heart’s desire as revealed by your Higher Self, you can
begin to apply various manifestation concepts to nourish
your desire and bring it into fruition.
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
This is where the fun really begins!!!!
How To Manifest What You Truly Want For Your Life
Apply the following techniques in order to manifest your
heart’s desire:
First, calm your body and your mind by sitting in a quiet
place, close your eyes, and turn your attention inward
and focus on your third eye between your eyebrows.
Take 3 deep breaths-in through the nose and out
through the mouth.
As you exhale, repeat the sound of “aah.” Next, breathe
in through your nose and exhale through your nose and
focus on your breath. Do this 3 times. Now that your
body and mind are relaxed, you can begin to visualize
your desire as it is revealed to you.
Once you have experienced what you feel is a true
desire, then you can begin to visualize this desire in great
detail already fulfilled in your mind’s eye. Create a mental
movie of this desire in as much detail as possible. Use all
your senses to see, hear, touch, taste, and above all, feel,
the end result in your mind’s eye.
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
Capture the feeling state associated with your desire.
Would you feel strong, powerful,love,peace,joy, having
achieved your desire? The feeling state linked to the
visualization fuels the flame to manifest your desire.
Practice these techniques on a regular basis and make
miracles happen in your life!!!!
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
You Only Need 51 Belief To Begin
I’ve seen too many people ‘beat themselves up’ as they
learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in
their lives. Why are they so hard on themselves? Because
when their desire doesn’t materialize in a few days, they
think they aren’t doing it right or they don’t believe
They are under the impression that in order to receive,
they must have 100% belief–no doubt at all. And so they
try to convince themselves, and the Universe, that they
DO have 100% belief–when, in their heart, they don’t.
Here’s good news! You don’t need 100% belief, just 51%
to start the process of receiving all your goals, desires
and hopes whatever you want in life will start to become
your reality.
Just believe that it’s possible for you to have what you’ve
asked for. All you need to do is tip the scales slightly and
you will begin to notice small (or big) evidence that your
desire is on its way.
As you stay in the mind-set of possibility, possibility
grows into probability. Probability grows into belief and
belief grows into certainty. Certainty is the opposite of
Here’s a true story I received this week from Tony, a
coaching client:
“Since learning about the Law of Attraction, I have
discovered that there are times when I cannot BE the
way I’d like to be. This week, I found myself in an
impossible situation and I remembered what you said:
‘Instead of starting from a place of certainty, 100%
guarantee, start with it’s possible.’
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
We visited friends in another state this weekend. On our
return flight, airport security was so tight, we actually
missed our flight by four minutes (we arrived at our gate–
literally the farthest gate in the airport– with six minutes
to spare, but they close the aircraft ten minutes before
departure and do not open it for anyone). We were put
on the standby list for the next flight, which was full.
Every flight after that next one was full, and it was
important that we get back to go to work Monday–we
both have full schedules, and staying another night was
less than ideal.
I couldn’t bring myself to believe that we were going to
get on that next flight as ‘Standby.’ My wife was still
freaking out that we missed our previous flight, we had
run out of baby food, and my son was getting cranky for
a nap.
I could not bring myself to believe we were getting on
that flight, but I kept thinking ‘it’s possible.’ The next thing
I know, one of the flight attendants took a fancy to my
son, and started chatting with my wife, and before you
know it, we have–literally–the last two seats on the
aircraft, and she arranged it so they were together, and
we had a window. (Our son sat on our lap.)
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
It’s still hard to believe I ‘vibrated’ us onto that aircraft,
but I did keep it open as a possibility. So you were right, I
only had to believe by 51%. Thank you, Rebecca!”
Tony G., New York
Think about all the times you HAVE received something
when you still had doubts about it. What is your desire
today? Has anyone else ever received what you desire? If
so, then is it possible that you can have it too?
If you can believe…You will receive!
Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven
system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours?
Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
Is it Possible To Manifest Health
and Wealth When The World Feels
Like It's falling apart? 100% Yes!

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How To Attract What You Really Want Fast In Your Life 2021

  • 2. Manifestation And The Law Of Attraction Yes, you can have anything your heart desires through applying the universal law of attraction. However, the key is to really be in touch with your Higher Self in order for your true heart’s desire to manifest for you on a conscious level. If a desire comes to you which is primarily revealed only through your personal ego – your lower self – without actual guidance from your Higher Self, then this desire has a lesser chance of manifesting. How then do you tap into that part of you which is in touch with your Higher Self ? The key is through meditation. By stilling the body and the mind and allowing your Higher consciousness to flow through you in order to guide and direct your true desires. Turning your energies inward and closing off all outside distractions allows you to focus your attention on your Higher consciousness which resides at the center of your mind. Now, once you are in touch and aligned with your true heart’s desire as revealed by your Higher Self, you can begin to apply various manifestation concepts to nourish your desire and bring it into fruition. Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
  • 3. This is where the fun really begins!!!! How To Manifest What You Truly Want For Your Life Apply the following techniques in order to manifest your heart’s desire: First, calm your body and your mind by sitting in a quiet place, close your eyes, and turn your attention inward and focus on your third eye between your eyebrows. Take 3 deep breaths-in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you exhale, repeat the sound of “aah.” Next, breathe in through your nose and exhale through your nose and focus on your breath. Do this 3 times. Now that your body and mind are relaxed, you can begin to visualize your desire as it is revealed to you. Once you have experienced what you feel is a true desire, then you can begin to visualize this desire in great detail already fulfilled in your mind’s eye. Create a mental movie of this desire in as much detail as possible. Use all your senses to see, hear, touch, taste, and above all, feel, the end result in your mind’s eye. Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
  • 4. Capture the feeling state associated with your desire. Would you feel strong, powerful,love,peace,joy, having achieved your desire? The feeling state linked to the visualization fuels the flame to manifest your desire. Practice these techniques on a regular basis and make miracles happen in your life!!!! Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >> You Only Need 51 Belief To Begin Attracting... I’ve seen too many people ‘beat themselves up’ as they learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in their lives. Why are they so hard on themselves? Because when their desire doesn’t materialize in a few days, they think they aren’t doing it right or they don’t believe enough. They are under the impression that in order to receive, they must have 100% belief–no doubt at all. And so they try to convince themselves, and the Universe, that they DO have 100% belief–when, in their heart, they don’t.
  • 5. Here’s good news! You don’t need 100% belief, just 51% to start the process of receiving all your goals, desires and hopes whatever you want in life will start to become your reality. Just believe that it’s possible for you to have what you’ve asked for. All you need to do is tip the scales slightly and you will begin to notice small (or big) evidence that your desire is on its way. As you stay in the mind-set of possibility, possibility grows into probability. Probability grows into belief and belief grows into certainty. Certainty is the opposite of doubt. Here’s a true story I received this week from Tony, a coaching client: “Since learning about the Law of Attraction, I have discovered that there are times when I cannot BE the way I’d like to be. This week, I found myself in an impossible situation and I remembered what you said: ‘Instead of starting from a place of certainty, 100% guarantee, start with it’s possible.’ Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
  • 6. We visited friends in another state this weekend. On our return flight, airport security was so tight, we actually missed our flight by four minutes (we arrived at our gate– literally the farthest gate in the airport– with six minutes to spare, but they close the aircraft ten minutes before departure and do not open it for anyone). We were put on the standby list for the next flight, which was full. Every flight after that next one was full, and it was important that we get back to go to work Monday–we both have full schedules, and staying another night was less than ideal. I couldn’t bring myself to believe that we were going to get on that next flight as ‘Standby.’ My wife was still freaking out that we missed our previous flight, we had run out of baby food, and my son was getting cranky for a nap. I could not bring myself to believe we were getting on that flight, but I kept thinking ‘it’s possible.’ The next thing I know, one of the flight attendants took a fancy to my son, and started chatting with my wife, and before you know it, we have–literally–the last two seats on the aircraft, and she arranged it so they were together, and we had a window. (Our son sat on our lap.) Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >>
  • 7. It’s still hard to believe I ‘vibrated’ us onto that aircraft, but I did keep it open as a possibility. So you were right, I only had to believe by 51%. Thank you, Rebecca!” Tony G., New York Think about all the times you HAVE received something when you still had doubts about it. What is your desire today? Has anyone else ever received what you desire? If so, then is it possible that you can have it too? If you can believe…You will receive! Tired of failing to manifest what you want in your life? What if there is a powerful, proven system to help you manifest real cash starting as fast as in the next 24 hours? Does such a system exist now? 100% YES! This VIDEO explains it all >> Is it Possible To Manifest Health and Wealth When The World Feels Like It's falling apart? 100% Yes! CLICK HERE TO WATCH WATCH THE VIDEO >>