Understand exactly how the law of Attraction works and what you should be doing to manifest your dreams and desires fast: https://rebrand.ly/quantumo Excerpt from the PDF: Yes, you can have anything your heart desires by applying the universal law of attraction. However, the key is to really be in touch with your Higher Self in order for your true heart’s desire to manifest for you on a conscious level. If a desire comes to you which is primarily revealed only through your personal ego – your lower self – without actual guidance from your Higher Self, then this desire has a lesser chance of manifesting. How then do you tap into that part of you which is in touch with your Higher Self ? The key is through meditation. By stilling the body and the mind and allowing your Higher consciousness to flow through you in order to guide and direct your true desires. Turning your energies inward and closing off all outside distractions allows you to focus your attention on your Higher consciousness which resides at the center of your mind. Now, once you are in touch and aligned with your true heart’s desire as revealed by your Higher Self, you can begin to apply various manifestation concepts to nourish your desire and bring it into fruition...