Post Client Salon Visit Survey
Our success is not built on just one service. We realize that our success and growth occurs by consistently providing services to our clients over and over again, each and every service visit.

To ensure we are consistently meeting your needs, we will ask you to complete our feedback success form after every service visit. Your feedback is totally optional, but it is very important and critical for our continued growth.

Servicing you is not a job, it is our ultimate pleasure. Our goal is continuous improvement and we can only do that with clients such as yourself when we are provided with valuable feedback.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name (optional):
Last Name (optional):
Phone Number: *
Date of most recent service visit *
Please provide service provider's name: *
Please rate your overall service with us: 1 = Did Not Meet Expectations, 2 = Met, 3 = Pleased, 4 = Totally Pleased, 5 = Excellent Very Happy *
What service or services did you receive? *
How likely would you be to refer your service provider to others. 1 = Will Not Refer, 5 = Definitely will Refer *
How likely would you be to refer our salon to others even if you would not refer others to the stylist that serviced you? 1 = Not Likely and 5 = Absolutely Would *
Even if you were very happy with your service and service provider, please let us know where there are areas of opportunity for improvement based on your experience. *
Did you pre-book a future service with our salon/service provider?
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If applicable, were you offered any take home hair care maintenance products?
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If applicable, did you purchase any product to take with you for at home use?
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Is there anything that you would like to discuss further with us concerning your service experience? We would be more than happy to call.
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If you were pleased and would refer others, could you please provide us with a short testimonial? Thank you.
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