1. Attend the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization’s Delegates Assembly • March 3rd
TBE will be joining 52 other congregations to begin to organize for social justice!
What is the purpose of the March Delegates Assembly?
To bring leaders across GBIO together in community at this time when so much about our common life is at risk, and when GBIO power is needed in our longterm fight for justice and the common good
To discuss and agree on a plan to build our skills and relationships within and across the congregations and organizations that are part of GBIO
To identify leaders who want to work together on GBIO “legacy issues” under threat (e.g. health care, criminal justice and housing), or form mutual support networks of GBIO congregations who are leading on other issues.
Contact Amy Benjamin at a.benjamin@comcast.net
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2. Write your legislators! — Advocate for Food Equity and Access
Greater Boston Food Bank's annual report on Food Equity and Access underscores the disproportionate rate of food insecurity among communities of color. One in three households in MA report food insecurity, but that statistic climbs to 48% of Black households with children. This means that a child was hungry, skipped a meal, or didn't eat for a full day because there wasn't enough money for food. Even among those receiving government subsidies like WIC and SNAP benefits, 68% are still considered food insecure!
Ending hunger remains a priority advocacy issue for the Racial Justice Initiative as we will continue to support Project Bread's Make Hunger History campaign to keep free school breakfasts and lunches; support TBE Table's delivery of meals for Trotter school families; and partner with other TBE groups on community service opportunities at the Greater Boston Food Bank. AND NOW we have immediate actions for your attention. 1) Write to your US Representative and Senators imploring them to protect SNAP and other food assistance programs from impending budget cuts. See MAZON for more information; 2) Advocate for funding of MEFAP (Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program) in the FY2026 budget. CLICK PDF BELOW TO WRITE YOUR LEGISLATORS
For more information, contact Eric Ruder or Ediss Gandelman