Sign up: Charity Entrepreneurship Online Talk (Top ideas 2023)

Title: Our Top Recommended Ideas for 2023 in Large-Scale Global Health and Biosecurity

Date: February 20, 6pm UK time

Each year, at Charity Entrepreneurship, we launch multiple evidence based high impact charities. In 4 years we've helped start 23 organisations 40% of which are on track to being field leaders. Core to this approach is the enormous investment we make in researching the initial ideas.

In this short talk we will share details of the ideas we are most excited for you to launch in 2023.

Please note that much of this form is optional. The last question is the most important.

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(Optional) If you are an Effective Altruism group organizer, please indicate below which group you are from and forward this form to your relevant members. 
(Optional) How did you hear about the event? (Please be specific as it helps us track our outreach efforts)
Which top ideas are you most interested in?
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I'd prefer to start my own charity idea
Advocacy to improve funding for R&D to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Advocacy to reduce risk from Dual Use Research Concern (DURC)
HIV/syphilis tests, penicillin, and training to tackle Congenital Syphilis
Oral Rehydration Solution and Zinc co-packages to treat life-threatening diarrhea
“Kangaroo Care” to avert newborn deaths
Farmed animals (2024 cause area focus)
Global health mass media interventions (2024 cause area focus)
(IMPORTANT) Why is this your preference?
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