




Volunteering with us is a great way for you to protect your favorite wild and urban spaces from the impacts of invasive species. Fill out the form below to become one of our volunteers. You will be emailed opportunities as they arise. Training for joining the invasive species volunteer surveillance network will occur in the fall and winter to gear you up for the following spring and summer. Scroll down for the submit button for this form.

How do you want to volunteer?
How did you hear about this volunteer opportunity?(Required)
Have you taken the Volunteer Challenge? (Details Below)

Take the Pledge, Get the Tools & Earn the Badge!

Protect your favorite outdoor spaces from invasive species. 


All volunteer contributions are valued. Complete the challenges in each level below to achieve the named volunteer status and win prizes.
Fill out the form above to claim your prize!

Level 1

Step 1:

Take the Pledge to Protect and Become a Protector! 

Once you become a Protector, you will receive monthly email blogs showcasing simple actions you can take to protect your favorite outdoor spaces from invasive species, plus you’ll get chances to win cool prizes and gain access to many resources. 

Step 2:

Visit Protector’s Toolboxes

Challenge Objective:

  • Visit one or more Protector’s Toolboxes. 

Level 2

Step 1:

Follow all the above challenges! 

Only two more left, you got this! 

Step 2:


Challenge Objectives:

  • Participate in at least ONE volunteer event hosted by SLELO PRISM ANNUALLY. 
  • Record the time you spend volunteering in our time log to get credit. 
  • Make a free iMapInvasives user account and make at least ONE observation ANNUALLY.

iMapInvasives is New York’s invasive species observation database and community science platform. You can report observations using a free smartphone app or at their website. 

Level 3

Step 1:

Follow all the above challenges! 

You’re doing so good, almost there!

Step 2:


Challenge Objectives: 
  • Participate in at least THREE volunteer events hosted by SLELO PRISM ANNUALLY. 
  • Participate in at least ONE of our partner’s events ANNUALLY. 
  • Record the time you spend volunteering in our time log to get credit. 

Level 4

Step 1:

Follow all the above challenges! 

Last challenge, keep going! 

Step 2:

Aid Early Detection Efforts!

Enhance early detection efforts for priority invasive species. Priority species are known to be in low abundance or are not yet known to be present in the SLELO region but are in close proximity or a direct pathway of introduction has been identified. Finding species populations early when they are small makes them easier to control or eradicate.
Challenge Objectives: 
  • Join a VSN training to recognize and report observations to iMapInvasives.
  •  Adopt a site or visit your favorite hiking trails and paddle-ways to monitor for and report priority invasive species.
  • Assist ONE seasonal guided survey with TEAM SLELO. 
  • Record your time to get credit. 