Nonprofit Startup

  • $49

Create Your Nonprofit Program: Workbook

Learn the steps to defining your program and developing a program model.

  • $49

Develop Your Nonprofit Funding Model: Workbook

Learn how to find the right nonprofit funding model for your new nonprofit.

  • $49

How to Develop Your Nonprofit Idea: Workbook

Learn what to do in the beginning stages of starting your nonprofit.

  • $129

Nonprofit Startup Bundle

Starting your nonprofit can be confusing, even when you have all the books and forms to guide you through it. This class clearly explains how to start a nonprofit and all the important tips and hacks to make sure you don't get into trouble with the IRS!


  • $149

Fundraising Bundle 1

If you want to raise money, you have to be visible first! These two classes give you the basics in raising money so you can serve your community and raise enough to pay staff.

  • $197

Fundraising Masterclass

This fundraising masterclass covers the basics of fundraising including the fundraising cycle , understanding your target donors, and different ways nonprofits can make money.

Let's get to work!

It didn't take me long to figure out that I was a problem solver.  I've always had a knack for staring a problem head-on and breaking it down into small, conquerable pieces. I've been in the nonprofit sector for 12 years and have seen small communities who have the passion and skills, but need the knowledge to put forth their visions. I create content to help you solve your ultimate problem: how to build a strong nonprofit and translate your passion into mission.