Associate’s Degrees

The boom in the number and quality of online accounting degree programs means you can further your education on your own time and learn at your own rate. If you like working with numbers, an associate’s degree in accounting offers you an initial career path in various fields or serves as the start for eventually obtaining a bachelor’s degree in accounting. In most cases, you should receive your online associate’s accounting degree within two years. Extremely motivated students may receive this degree in approximately one year with accelerated coursework. If work and family commitments force you to take longer than two years to finish your online associate’s degree, that’s fine, too. That’s part of the flexibility offered by a quality online education.

What is an Accounting Associate's Degree?

A two year accounting degree puts you on a fast track for starting a career relating to financial matters. It is the equivalent of the first two years required when pursuing a bachelor’s degree in accounting. When someone has an associate’s, they do not need professional certification to begin work in an entry level job.

What Prerequisites Are Required?

If you have a high school diploma or GED, you can pursue one of the different types of popular associate degrees in accounting. A school may require that you take the SAT or ACT. The school may also require an assessment of your math or writing ability prior to commencing coursework. If you are concerned with your skills in these areas, take an online refresher course in the subject prior to completing your assessment. After taking the school’s assessment test, you may have to take some remedial classes before beginning coursework towards your associate accounting degree.

Typical Accounting Positions Held With an Associates

With an online associate’s program in accounting, a person may find employment in various financial fields, and the possibility of upward mobility. It’s also a good way to find out if accounting is the right career path. The concerns stays then: exactly what can you do with an associate’s degree in accounting? When you decide to start that associate's program, you ought to comprehend the fundamental knowledge that will come with this degree. Understanding what you will be taught ahead of time is vital as it will assist you determine if an associate's is suitable for you rather than a bachelor's.

Entry-level accounting positions for those with an associate accounting program diploma include:

  • Accounting Assistant

  • Accounting Clerk

  • Accounts Payable Clerk

  • Accounts Receivable Clerk

  • Accounting Technician

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Auditing Clerk

  • Billing Clerk

  • Bookkeeping

  • Fiscal Technician

  • Management Trainee

  • Payroll Clerk

  • Tax preparer

No matter the organization, whether public, private or nonprofit, accounting services are always needed. One of the benefits of an accounting education is the availability of work in virtually any field. If you have a strong interest in a particular type of business, you may well find a job opening in that area. These are also the types of jobs offering mobility, as your skills are in demand in every part of the country. That’s an important consideration if you think you may want to relocate after receiving your online degree.

How Long to Get an Associates Degree in Accounting?

Associate's Degree: Many students will get a 2-year associate's in accounting, or a 1-year diploma in accounting from a community college, and that's all many people will need to get a bookkeeping job, or a task as an accounting professional's assistant.

Just as with Accounting Software Application Developers, Infotech Accountants are crucial to keeping a contemporary accounting company, corporation, or monetary organization working effectively. IT Accounting combines accounting, business, and management with understanding of computer system science, shows, and systems technology. For many companies, having a designated accounting IT expert on personnel is vital for Pick and maintain IT systems for accounting department Handle IT department and other associated workers Analyze, examine, and make improvements to IT systems Undoubtedly, with the level of managerial and technical duty included, an Accounting IT Manager needs a substantial level of experience and education.

Much of the offered jobs will be entry-level based. You can work for any companies that need look after their monetary records and transactions from federal government firms to healthcare offices. Some task examples are followed listed below: You'll deal with either a particular accountant or as part of a bigger accounting department.

What Will You Do as an Accountant?

As an accountant, you will be in charge of either some or all of an organization's basic journal. As an auditing clerk, you'll typically be ensuring that documents and figures are coded effectively. You'll manage a variety of tasks concerning worker settlement. Generally, you will distribute paychecks, computing incomes, and keeping administrative records.

An associate's degree is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in a wide variety of accounting-related careers. The degrees can be found online as well as on campus. With a good credit history, an associate's degree can lead to employment as a certified public accountant, audit manager, or tax attorney.

Anyone interested in business or financial matters will benefit from the increased knowledge and ability gained through a masters' degree in accounting. There are two distinct kinds of masters' degrees: general and specialized. In general, an associate's degree prepares students for entry-level positions in an accounting-related career field.

A certified public accountant will know how to handle financial information, plan a business's budget and operate accounting software. By law, certified public accountants must hold an associate's degree. These professionals are responsible for preparing financial reports that are used by executives and board members to make important decisions. Some examples of reporting financial statements include a Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Income Taxes.

The curriculum of an associate's degree focuses on knowledge, skill, and abilities necessary to manage accounts. An associate's degree also includes a survey of the accounting profession and experience in an accounting-related role, which typically takes one year.

Associates are organized in specialties such as accountancy, bookkeeping, finance, auditing, and taxation. A specialty degree may cost more than a regular associates degree, but it provides more training, more experience, and better job prospects. Specialist professionals often work in accounting firms, public accounting firms, and government agencies, but their pay scales are typically lower than associates.

An online accounting degree also includes many of the same curriculum options as an online associate's degree. Most online accounting degree programs follow the same standards for credit hours, as well as standard training methods. In fact, students can earn credits for previous courses or learn directly through classes and study materials.