Business Marketing Done Right

How to Start a Podcast: Complete Step-by-Step Guide

How to Start a Podcast: Complete Step-by-Step Guide A website will give you several ways to let your audience know about your podcast: you’ll be able to use it to publish blog posts that coincide with topics you discuss on your podcast, to publish blog posts announcing the release of new podcast episodes that include the episode’s show notes, and to provide your audience with a place where they can sign up for your newsletter to be notified whenever you’ve produced a new creation. Fortunately, we already have all the step-by-step information ready for you in our guide, how to start a successful blog. Welcome to the vast majority of people who start a podcast! of all the things that might put you off launching your own show, please don’t let it be this one. Most podcasters kick things off by talking “into the void”, but follow the steps in this guide, bookmark the articles we link to, and you’ll begin to steadily grow your own audience from scratch! here’s some good news for you too. In our 2020 podcast discovery survey , the data showed that potential new listeners don’t care if they’ve never heard of you. In

7 Ways to Generate More Leads From Your Blog

Another way to generate free leads is to focus on increasing the number of leads you catch in your sales funnel. You can do that by focusing on expanding the mouth of the funnel with practices you’re already using. For example, don’t just write blog posts. End your posts with targeted calls-to-action and maybe even a sign-up form for people who want to learn more about your product. Similarly, instead of focusing on incorporating a few key seo terms in your web content, try expanding the number of key phrases you’re targeting. When you create a wider mouth for your sales funnel, you’ll naturally start catching more leads. Getting traffic to your blog is only one part of the blogging equation. If people visit your website but don’t convert into leads or subscribers , you’re just wasting money and time on creating content. If you are struggling with converting blog traffic into leads, you don’t have the suitable systems in place. I will share seven ways to generate more leads from your blog in this article. If you follow the strategies in this article, you will turn your blog into a well-oiled lead-generation machine that converts blog traffic into

How to Create and Start a WordPress Blog in 15 Minutes or Less (Step by Step)

The best platform to use is whatever you use for your author website—do not be tempted to build your blog somewhere else. You want everything under the same umbrella for search engine optimization and long-term marketing strategy. So, for example, if you have an author website on squarespace, then start your blog there; don’t start one over at wordpress or blogspot. If your website platform does not support blogging , then it may be time to switch platforms. I talk about the basics of author websites here. If you don’t have an author website, or if you’re doing a multi-contributor blog, then i recommend using wordpress. Updated november 1st, 2022 are you looking for an easy guide on how to start a blog? the step-by-step guide on this page will show you how to create a blog in 20 minutes with just the most basic computer skills. After completing this guide you will have a beautiful blog that is ready to share with the world. This guide is made especially for beginners. I will walk you through each and every step, using plenty of pictures and videos to make it all perfectly clear. If you get stuck or have questions at any

The King of Marketing Tips: Keep Up With the Trends

Digital marketing professionals are lifelong learners. Because the industry is constantly evolving, it is essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. The best way to do this is by reading articles, attending webinars and conferences, accessing online learning platforms such as linkedin learning , attending free online courses , and networking with other digital marketing experts. Employers often expect new hires to hit the ground running. So you may have to learn new skills on your own. Advertising is one aspect of marketing. While marketing is the overall approach to speaking to customers about your brand, advertising is usually a paid form of messaging designed to lead to sales. Advertising can be short-term for a special promotion or ongoing, but usually requires a financial investment. If you know advertising could help your business but you aren’t sure where to start, explore the marketing tips below to see which options fit your needs and budget. Whether through online or printed materials, marketing is an essential part of running a successful business and a great opportunity to stand out from your competitors. From promoted social media posts to tv commercials and everything in between, the world is

2. Answer The Questions Your Audience is Asking

Webinars help you connect, interact, and deliver valuable content to your audience in real time, making it an excellent addition to your marketing campaigns. Webinars are often used for product demonstrations, sharing valuable tips and insights, consultations, etc. Consider these tips when coming up with webinar topics: check your faq pages (and your competitors’) for questions that your customers want answered. Go through your blogroll and look for posts with the most engagement. These engagements serve as social validation that your audience is interested in the topic. Ask your target audience directly by running surveys and polls. Get their feedback on the things that they want to learn about. Every audience uses various social networks at different times of the day. To connect with them, you need to know what type of content interests them, who is the potential purchaser of your services or products, and what age group is more accessible to sell. But this is followed by another set of questions: how often should you post per day? what type of content should you post? what is the ideal number of posts per day? these are some of the most common questions that any social media marketer is expected to answer.