UnliMITed Podcast
Marhaba UnliMITed listeners! We hope you've enjoyed our first series of UnliMITed so far. You've gotten to meet each of our board members on a personal level, so now we'd like to know more about you!

Did you enjoy the episodes? As we prep for the next series, we want to know which style you liked best! Also, if you're an alum and are interested in being featured in our podcast (or know someone who would), let us know!

We want you to love UnliMITed (enough to share it with your friends and family!) so help us make it something you absolutely love!
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I am... *
Do you identify as Arab? *
The highest level of education I’ve completed is... *
Did you or someone you know attend MIT? *
I listen to UnliMITed to hear...
Rank the reasons you listen from the most important reason (1) to the least important reason (6), leave it blank if the reason does not apply to you
My friend who was featured in an episode
What campus life is / was like at MIT
What classes and research are like at MIT
College application success stories (how they got to MIT)
What MIT alumni do after graduation (different career paths)
What the most interesting fields of study are right now
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I listen to UnliMITed because...
If one of the reasons you listen to UnliMITed was not listed above, please tell us here! We want to know if we missed something that you find special!
In future episodes, I’m more interested in the stories of people who graduated... *
My favorite thing about UnliMITed is...
Tell us what we're doing right so we keep doing it!
I would change this about UnliMITed in the future...
We know things always have room for improvement, so tell us what area we should focus on for next season!
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