

Find out some of the best online courses which you can enroll in 2019-2018. brings you some of the best courses which can help you improve your resume skills in 2019.

Following are some of the courses you can learn in 2019

  1. Microsoft Excel
  2. Customer Service
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Academy for Ads
  5. Apps for iPhone
  6. Introduction to graphic design
  7. Writing course(Harvard)
  8. Photoshop

These courses will improve your skill set and will improve you chances of securing a good job.

  1. Free Courses
  2. Courses for Teachers
  3. Data science
  4. NPTEL Courses

Educational Services and Online Courses

In order to make the panorama more complex, there is a great movement, involving the IMF, the World Bank, the OECD, Unesco and Unicef, which defends the cooperation of public administrations with business organizations and non-profit organizations. to improve educational services. They start from the realization that many states are going to have difficulties to dedicate the necessary financing to education and it would be convenient to channel financial , as well as intellectual, research, and organizational capital towards education . This has produced interest in public-private partnerships in education (Education International: ‘Public-private partnerships in education’.Education International is a global union federation that includes 30 million teachers). This study analyzes the various forms of cooperation.

Some are contracts between the State and private organizations; and others, the so-called Multiple Actors Associations for Education (MSPE), in which different agents come together for a common educational project. Supporters of the state management of the education system think that the privatization of education inevitably leads to segregation for economic reasons, and therefore to the failure of the social function of the system. In addition, being a business, they consider that the capital gains that entrepreneurs take detract funds from education. The supporters of privatization argue that private management -not civil servants- is more efficient, that free competition between schools requires them to improve continuously, and that leaving the State to manage education is dangerous because it can turn the school into an indoctrination tool .

In Spain, from the governments of Felipe González, there is a concert system between the public school and private schools. The law establishes very strict conditions: the admission of students must follow the same regulations as public management centers, education must be totally free and activities, both educational and extra-curricular and services, may not be for profit, and will be necessary the previous authorization of the educational administration of the amounts to be received. It is possible that the laxity of some administrations has allowed the law not to be scrupulously observed , but that in my opinion does not invalidate the law.