Table 1. DNA was manually extracted from 4 mL whole blood samples and was eluted in 1 mL volume. Purified DNA was quantified using Thermo Scientific’s NanoDrop™ 2000c system and Promega’s QuantiFluor® dsDNA system. The concordant readings indicate the DNA purified is primarily dsDNA.
Figure 2. Average DNA Yield from 2 mL sample volume from three different lots of blood extracted manually vs automated on MagBinder® Fit24 Nucleic Acid Purification System. The DNA yield was determined using Thermo Scientific’s NanoDrop 2000c and found to be comparable between the manual and automated DNA extractions.
Figure 3. TapeStation® Analysis of Purified DNA. TapeStation® analysis of genomic DNA purified from 2 mL of whole blood samples using Omega Bio-tek’s Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit processed manually and on MagBinder® Fit24 Nucleic Acid Purification System.