Knowledge Graph

On this page I wanted to talk about some of my main work in knowledge graphs and discovery. Here are some videos and articles which introduce the work done by my team over the past few years:

Watson Discovery Service

The Knowledge Graph technology which I originally architected for Watson Discovery Advisor, was recently ported to IBM's cloud on top of IBM Watson Discovery Service. Find more information here.


Watson Discovery Advisor

The below features IBM Watson Discovery Advisor, the software I helped envision and design and also eventually develop to a mature technology

Cancer Research and Drug Discovery

Cyber Security

A video featuring colleague Jeb Linton, who built IBM Cyber security on top of Watson Discovery Advisor and Knowledge Graph, stuff literally built by my team. You also see screen grabs of software which we have made. 

Watson Discovery Services on the cloud

This is the product whose GA release my team was behind. This is a lighter weight version of discovery (compared to watson discovery advisor) for the more commodity discovery use cases. 

Stuff I can't talk about

While the above is public domain work, one of the most important application of the knowledge graph technology has been in domains and clients I cannot talk about because of confidentiality and the sensitive nature of the analysis we are involved in. The goal is to continue to try to apply the same work on public domain and publish it in academia. Two of my recent papers which are taking some of our work public are below: 

Papers and Presentations: