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Wha is Most penetrating particle size (MPPS) in air filtration by Camfil Steve Smith
2021Aug 30
Does MPPS have anything to do with COVID-19 maybe more than we know. The virus is very small and the point one 2.3, micron size range and even attach to droplets. There's still so small, we may not be able to see it with a human eye. MPPS in the air filtration world is the most penetrating particle size which happens to be between point one to point three microns, this size particle can penetrate further into filter media than any other size particles. Smaller and larger particles are actually easier to capture a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation concerning this, but a biosafety HEPA filter that can collect 99.995% of point three micron size particles is stopping all sizes at nearly 100%. The only way to be certain is to ask for the filter scan test report. And any reliable filter company should provide that with each HEPA purchase. For more information visit:

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