MyShare for Windows? | Update Post

So its been a while since I have updated this mini project which started as a term-work submission in my college. I feel easy hassle free file transfer on windows is still somewhat complicated and requires proper setup which is kind of difficult for an average windows user. There are other applications too but they are either slow, or don’t work as easily as they are expected to.

So, here’s the deal, I might soon start working on a dedicated windows app for MyShare (Subjected to rename) followed by one for Linux distros.

Meanwhile, visit : to know more.

-Arfan Shaikh

MyShare Android App?

Thinking about developing an android app only for file transfers from phone to computer and vice versa.

Note : this application (if developed) will be only used for small file transfers without much effort/procedures.

MyShare is originally made for small file transfers so that users can transfer data quickly (small files)  and easily. Unlike other applications which have problems connecting from computer to computer . This is a small application so there are very less bugs and disadvantages to this program.

-Arfan Shaikh