If a child cannot see clearly, he or she may not develop to their full potential!

These are just some of the dimensions to "Seeing", and they are very important to your child's overall development. If there are areas that need attention, it is important that we detect them early.



We design this 40 mins eye examination to give a comprehensive view of your child's eyes focusing on these areas:

1. Child's General Eye Health (Front & Back of Eyes). We screen for common eye conditions like Squint, Lazy Eyes, Dry Eyes, Ingrown eyelashes, etc. Any eye conditions that need tertiary care will be referred accordingly.

2. Vision for Academic Performance. While helping your child to achieve the best distance vision is important, we also focus on other critical visual ability like Focusing Accuracy, Focusing Stamina, Color Vision, 3D vision, etc. All these different ability, can impact how well a child perform both in academic and social environment.

3. Risk of a Child having Fast Progressing Myopia. Myopia is much more than just blurry vision, as high myopia can lead to vision lost. Now with new technologies, there are scientifically proven ways to reduce the progression of myopia. It is important for us to discuss risk factors like Family History, Environmental and Lifestyle Factors. Our goal is to work with parents to keep your child's myopia as low as possible.

4. Spending Quality Time. Most importantly, we will spend time to explain our findings and educate both you and your child good vision habits to instill healthy eye habits into their daily life.

We see Vision as a very important part of a child's overall well-being, so yearly Comprehensive Eye Exam is recommended.

The consultation charge is between $100.

(All Services & Charges are subject to change without prior notice)

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2. Subjective Refraction (Eye Power Measurement only)

This is the usual test that is done in most optical shops when glasses or contact lenses are prescribed.  

In this test, with the help of different lenses, we aim to give you clear and comfortable vision, so that you can perform at your optimal.  

Refraction is very important but it is only one of the many test to check if your eyes are healthy and working effectively.

This Consult takes about 25 mins, include the following:

- Detailed Consultation

- Computer Eye assessment

- Subjective Refraction

The consultation charge is $40.

(All Services & Charges are subject to change without prior notice)

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