About Oliver Tam Scales-Copeland
Oliver Tam Scales-Copeland is originally from Sydney and is now based in Orange, Australia. He is a freelance musician who composes, produces, and performs various music genres—from rock to metal and funk—and is currently in the process of producing a progressive metal-style album slated for release. His EP is being released in staggered events, with one song out each week.
Oliver has recorded many different genres of music that have been produced as practice compositions. These are available on YouTube under the channel @oliverscope.
Music has been an integral part of Oliver’s entire life. From an early age, he exemplified an interest in music, a focused sense of pitch and rhythm, a strong memory for music styles, exceptional creativity, a real emotional connection to music, and a focus and desire to practice and play.
Oliver picked up the guitar at the age of four and studied it throughout high school and university. He plays acoustic, electric, and bass guitar, along with drums. Oliver is also a vocalist.
Oliver Tam Scales-Copeland has played in a range of bands, including with the prestigious Sydney Region Band (now called the Sydney Southeast Symphonic Winds ensemble) at ages 12 and 13. Students from all over Greater Sydney auditioned to form the 100+ piece concert band. The band has routinely performed at significant performance venues such as the Sydney Opera House, Angel Place, Sydney Town Hall, Parliament House, Verbrugghen Hall, and the Sydney Entertainment Centre, as well as representing the Department of Education at official occasions across Sydney.

Oliver Tam Scales-Copeland

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