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Define and edit projects

Set up tasks and milestones. Assign resources. Copy-paste rows. Undo and redo operations. Drag bars to schedule items, or turn on auto-scheduling. Highlight critical tasks, level resources, and view project statistics.

Set up dependencies

Draw arrow lines between task bars by performing simple drag operations. All dependency types are supported: finish-to-start (FS), start-to-start (SS), finish-to-finish (FF), and start-to-finish (SF). With lead or lag times too.

Design special calendars

Edit the working week and hours. Add supplemental nonworking intervals. For all tasks at once, or for individual tasks, whenever needed.

Print and import-export

Print everything: grid and chart. Or export content as PDF, image, text, TSV, or CSV. And import or export Microsoft Project XML files, too.

Configure everything

Set up the timeline. Define up to 4 header lines. Plenty of built-in formats, custom string based values too. Periodicity, intervals, and a lot more.

Customize appearance

Colors, widths, roundness, labels, and all the other settings. Style up the entire diagram, or customize individual task bars only, as required.

Load chart

Easily spot allocation bottlenecks using a resource chart timeline, too.

Visual baseline

Set up a baseline and visually compare tasks as they evolve.