Python Training in Chennai

5508 Ratings | Read Reviews

  • Real-Time Experts as Trainers
  • LIVE Project
  • Certification
  • Affordable Fees
  • Flexibility
  • Placement Support

The Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy is an extensive training program that is curated to make you specialize in crucial programming concepts like Basic Python Programs, Loops and control Statements, Functions, Modules, Data Structures & OOPS, Collections, HTMS, CSS and Capstone Projects under the mentorship of real-time Python Programmers. During this Python Training program, you will also be well-equipped with the commonly used Python Web Framework Django and apply it in real-time projects and programs like a professional Python Developer!

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Course Highlights and Why Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy?

Python Training in Chennai FITA Academy provides a wide academic curriculum and it meets the Global requirements from Python developers.
Python Training in Chennai FITA Academy provides the students with an interactive training session and they can feel free to clarify their doubts with the tutors.
Python Training in Chennai Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy is designed by the industrial experts.
Python Training in Chennai A Recap session of the previous classes is provided to the students regularly.
Python Training in Chennai FITA Academy provides the students with necessary training from their basics and they explain the concepts of Python clearly to the students.
Python Training in Chennai Trainers at FITA Academy have a decade of experience in this field and they proficiently train the students with various case studies and real-time projects.
Python Training in Chennai Convenient Option of various Locations in Chennai – Choose the Python Training in Velachery or Python course in Anna Nagar, T Nagar, Tambaram, OMR and Porur. Weekday, Weekend & Fast track Python training in Chennai.
Python Training in Chennai FITA Academy provides 100% professional training to the students and they train the students to equip themselves in a professional environment. Join Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy and learn the course under the guidance of subject-matter experts and become a certified programmer.

Upcoming Batches

  • 04-05-2024
  • Weekend
  • Saturday (Saturday - Sunday)
  • 06-05-2024
  • Weekdays
  • Monday (Monday - Friday)
  • 09-05-2024
  • Weekdays
  • Thursday (Monday - Friday)
  • 11-05-2024
  • Weekend
  • Saturday (Saturday - Sunday)
Python Training in Chennai Batches

Classroom Training

  • Get trained by Industry Experts via Classroom Training at any of the FITA Academy branches near you
  • Why Wait? Jump Start your Career by taking Python Training in Chennai!

Instructor-Led Live Online Training

  • Take-up Instructor-led Live Online Training. Get the Recorded Videos of each session.
  • Travelling is a Constraint? Jump Start your Career by taking the Python Training Online!

Syllabus of Python Training in Chennai

Introduction to Python

  • What is Python and history of Python 
  • Unique features of Python 
  • Python-2 and Python-3 differences 
  • Installing Python 
  • Setup Python Development Environment

Important Programming Basics in Python

  • Python Keywords and Indentation 
  • Comments 
  • Python Basic Data Types 
  • Python Variables 
  • Operators in Python 
  • Strings in Python 
  • Getting User Input 
  • First Python Program

Loops & Control Statements

Control Structures

  • Simple if 
  • if-else 
  • nested if 
  • If-elif-else


  • for loop 
  • while loop

Break & Continue Statements

Functions, Modules & Packages in Python

  • Python user defined functions 
  • Defining and calling functions.
  • Function parameters 
  • Function scope and global vs local variables
  • Lambda functions
  • Anonymous functions
  • Creating and using modules
  • Importing modules and namespaces
  • The __name__ and __main__ keywords
  • Creating and using packages
  • Using the standard library and external libraries.

Data Structures in Python

  • Lists in Python 
  • Lists as Stacks 
  • Lists as Queues 
  • Tuples in Python 
  • Understanding Del statement 
  • Understanding Iterators 
  • Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda
  • Expressions 
  • Understanding and using Ranges 
  • Python Dictionaries 
  • More on Dictionaries 
  • Sets 
  • Python Sets Examples

Exception Handling in Python

  • Raising Exceptions 
  • Handling Exceptions 
  • Creating custom Exceptions 
  • Using try 
  • Using except 
  • Using finally

Multithreading in Python

  • Creating Threads 
  • Thread synchronization 
  • Thread pools 
  • Multiprocessing Module

File Handling (I/O) in Python

  • Reading and writing text files 
  • Writing Text Files 
  • Appending to Files and Challenge 
  • Writing Binary Files Manually 
  • Using Pickle to Write Binary Files

Collections in Python

  • Understanding the basics of Collections

Object Oriented Programming in Python

  • Understanding OOPS in Python 
  • Defining and using Classes 
  • Defining and using Objects 
  • Mastering Encapsulation in Python 
  • Mastering Inheritance in Python 
  • Mastering Polymorphism in Python 
  • Accessing attributes 
  • Built-In Class Attributes 
  • Destroying Objects

Python Regular Expressions

  • What are regular expressions? 
  • The match Function 
  • The search Function 
  • Matching vs searching 
  • Search and Replace 
  • Extended Regular Expressions 
  • Wildcard

Capstone Project 1 - Web scraping using Python Script

A web scraping project at FITA Academy will involve extracting data from one or more websites using a script written in Python. The project typically involves identifying the target website, analyzing the structure of the web pages to be scraped, and using Python libraries to extract the relevant data.

The extracted data can then be stored in a structured format such as CSV or similar formats. Web scraping projects can be used for a range of applications, such as collecting data for research or business intelligence, monitoring online trends and sentiment, or creating customized data feeds for websites or applications.

Capstone Project 2 - Excel Automation using Python Programming

The Excel automation project will involve the win32com module to automate the Excel application. The project will involve opening an existing Excel file, modifying the data in the file, and saving the changes. Some common steps students will practice in this capstone project will include

  • Installing and importing the win32com module for working with the Excel application. 
  • Opening an existing Excel file using the win32com module and navigating to a specific worksheet. 
  • Modifying the data in the worksheet using Python code, such as updating values, formatting cells, or inserting new rows or columns. 
  • Saving the changes to the Excel file using the Save or SaveAs method. 
  • Closing the Excel application using the Quit method.

Django Framework

HTML & CSS Refresher


  • Elements of a HTML Document 
  • Understanding HTML Tags 
  • HTML Editors 
  • Creating a Simple HTML Document 
  • Adding Attributes to Tags 
  • Handling Texts in HTML 
  • HTML Styles 
  • HTML Tables 
  • Handling Images 
  • Handling Layouts 
  • HTML Forms

Introducing HTML 5 

  • HTML Vs HTML 5 
  • New Elements in HTML 5 
  • New Form Elements in HTML 5 
  • Handling Audio & Video 
  • Handling Graphics 
  • Handling Events 
  • HTML 5 APIs 
  • Web Workers

Introducing CSS and CSS 3 

  • What is a Style Sheet 
  • Cascading Effect of a Style Sheet 
  • Inline and External CSS 
  • CSS Selectors – IDs and Classes 
  • Understanding Layouts 
  • Absolute, Relative and Fixed Positioning 
  • Advanced CSS

Introduction of Django Framework

  • Django installation 
  • Settings module 
  • Requests and responses 
  • Running development server 
  • Django admin site introduction

Models layer

  • Model introduction 
  • Field types and customization 
  • Queries 
  • Accessing related objects 
  • Django migrations 
  • Database transactions

View layer

  • View functions 
  • Handling HTTP Requests 
  • URLConfs 
  • Shortcuts and decorators 
  • Request and response objects 
  • File upload 
  • Class based views 
  • Mixins

Template layer

  • Overview of template language 
  • Built-in tags and filters 
  • Humanization 
  • Custom tags and filters 
  • Csrf token


  • Introduction 
  • Forms API 
  • Validating forms 
  • Built-in fields, built-in widgets 
  • Model form 
  • Form sets

Internationalization and localization

  • Internationalization 
  • Localization 
  • Localizing UI and form inputs. 
  • Time zones

Important web application tools

  • Authentication 
  • Django built-in authentications 
  • Password management 
  • Customizing authentication 
  • Caching 
  • Logging 
  • Pagination 
  • Sessions 
  • Static file management. 
  • Introduction to the bootstrap framework

Capstone Project - Website Creation using Python & Django

Capstone website creation project using Python and Django is to build a blog site. The project will involve creating a web application where users can read and write blog posts, manage user accounts, and interact with other users through comments. 

Some common steps involved in this project will include:

  • Installing and setting up Django and its dependencies. 
  • Creating a new Django project and application using the Command-line interface. 
  • Defining database models for blog posts, users and comments using Django’s Object Relational Mapper (ORM). 
  • Creating views and templates for rendering HTML pages for displaying blog posts, user profiles, and comments.
  • Adding forms for user authentication and blog post creation using Django’s built-in forms handling framework. 
  • Implementing user authentication and authorization using Django’s built-in authentication system. 
  • Implementing comment and like functionalities for blog posts using Django’s ORM and AJAX for dynamic updates. 
  • Styling the website using CSS and Bootstrap framework.

Trainer Profile

  • Trainers guide the students with technical and hands-on projects to become a Python Developer.
  • Trainers at FITA Academy are working professionals in top MNC companies.
  • Tutors support the students to possess practical, solid & technical knowledge.
  • Trainers pay individual attention to the students and support them in their academic and career needs.
  • Tutors train the students with real-time software projects.
  • Trainers provide necessary interview tips to the students and help in resume building.

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Python Training in Chennai Details

Features of Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy

Real-Time Experts as Trainers

At FITA Academy, You will Learn from the Experts from industry who are Passionate in sharing their Knowledge with Learners. Get Personally Mentored by the Experts.

LIVE Project

Get an Opportunity to work in Real-time Projects that will give you a Deep Experience. Showcase your Project Experience & Increase your chance of getting Hired!


Get Certified by FITA Academy. Also, get Equipped to Clear Global Certifications. 72% FITA Academy Students appear for Global Certifications and 100% of them Clear it.

Affordable Fees

At FITA Academy, Course Fee is not only Affordable, but you have the option to pay it in Installments. Quality Training at an Affordable Price is our Motto.


At FITA Academy, you get Ultimate Flexibility. Classroom or Online Training? Early morning or Late evenings? Weekdays or Weekends? Regular Pace or Fast Track? - Pick whatever suits you the Best.

Placement Support

Tie-up & MOU with more than 1500+ Small & Medium Companies to Support you with Opportunities to Kick-Start & Step-up your Career.

Why Learn Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy?

Live Capstone Projects

Real time Industry Experts as Trainers

Placement Support till you get your Dream Job offer!

Free Interview Clearing Workshops

Free Resume Preparation & Aptitude Workshops

Python Training in Chennai Certification

Python Certification Training in Chennai at FITA Academy

Python course certification is provided upon the successful completion of the course. This certification creates a unique qualification for entering the IT and software industry. Aspirants holding the Python certification obtained at FITA Academy will have a high chance of quickly obtaining leading job posts in MNC companies.

Certification shows the candidate has core knowledge in the Python language to enter the field. With the help of this certification, you can make a positive impression of yourself during the interview. Candidates who wish to start their career in Software development can take up this Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy, leading to a successful career journey.

Apart from FITA Academy’s Python Course Completion Certification, candidates can pursue other globally recognized certifications to access wider career opportunities. Python Institute offers four different certification levels in the Python Programming language, and they are,

  • PCEP – Certified Entry–Level Python Programmer
  • PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming
  • PCPP1 – Certified Professional in Python Programming 1
  • PCPP2 – Certified Professional in Python Programming 2

Python Trainers at FITA Academy help you complete these global certification exams and aid you in uplifting your career growth.

Have Queries? Talk to our Career Counselor for more Guidance on picking the
right Career for you!

Placement Session & Job Opportunities after completing Python Training in Chennai

Python Training in Chennai with Placement Support

Among various programming languages in this technology world, Python has efficiently managed to top the chart of the top programming languages and one of the promising careers for techies. Based on the recent reports by Forbes it is stated that Python has occupied the 1st position in the most demanded skills in the year 2020. Furthermore, there are around 8.2 million Python Developers whereas other popular programming languages such as Java have only 7.2 million developers. These were the reports submitted by SlashData.

When you look for the reason behind this tremendous growth of Python is that it is one of the most versatile and flexible programming languages. Python is a simple and easy-to-learn programming language primarily used in Web Application Development, Game Development, and Data Science.

Moreover, future technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Big Data rely on Python. Apart from this, some popular organizations that use Python are NASA, Google, Yahoo Maps, YouTube, Dropbox, Facebook, Amazon, PayPal, Instagram, Quora, Spotify, Flipkart, Slack, Uber, and IBM. The common job titles offered in these companies upon completing the Python Programming language are Software Developer, Software Programmer, Python Developer, Software Engineer, Data Analyst, and Research Analyst. According to the reports submitted by the Job portal sites of India, there are around 20,000 to 40,000 + Python job openings on each site. Also, the demand for Python Developers will tend to grow at a substantial rate owing to its significant features and demand.

The median salary for an entrant Python Developer in India is Rs. 3,60,000 to Rs.4,20,000 per annum. Developers with 3-5 years of experience earn around Rs. 4,75,000 to Rs. 6,20,000 yearly. And professionals with 5+ years of experience and skill sets earn around Rs.6,75,000 to Rs. 8,00,000 annually. Globally, a Python Developer gets paid around $71,789 yearly. The average package and perks may differ according to the experience and skill sets gained and the organization’s norms.

Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy imparts the necessary professional skills required for a professional Python Developer under the guidance of experts in the Software development field. FITA Academy is rated as Chennai’s number one Python Django training center.

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Student's Success Story



I enrolled in Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy. The complete training session was good. My trainer is a coding specialist he just made our training session an interactive one. Also, he thought about how and where the Python scripts are used from scratch. Thanks to my Trainer!


Muthu Priya

I recently completed my Python programming Course here @ FITA Academy. I am satisfied with their teaching. They offer more practical sessions than theory classes which help me to develop my technical knowledge. The syllabus of the python training course was updated and was covered completely. Thanks for their guidance.



Python Course in Chennai at FITA Academy is really a good platform to learn about Python language if you are a novice. In-depth training with hands-on exposure to Python projects made the learning pace of the programming language an easier one. Heartfelt Thanks to my Trainer and FITA Academy



Recently I studied the Python course at FITA Academy. Thank you to my instructor for his efforts in making the concept easier to understand and the trainers were friendly with students by clearing the doubts. Best institute to learn Python course, thanks to FITA Academy



Hai Myself Krishna, I Would like to take this chance to thank FITA Academy for providing quality Python training with Well- experienced trainers. The practical sessions were more helpful for me to develop my technical skills in the python programming language. I'm really satisfied with the training offered here.

Our Students Work at

Python Training in Chennai Reviews

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) about Python Training in Chennai

  • Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy is designed & conducted by Python experts with 12+ years of experience in the Python domain.
  • The only institution in Chennai with the right blend of theory & practical sessions
  • In-depth Course coverage for 60+ Hours
  • More than 75,000+ students trust FITA Academy.
  • Affordable fees keeping students and IT working professionals in mind
  • Course timings designed to suit working professionals and students
  • Interview tips and training
  • Resume building support
  • Real-time projects and case studies
We are happy and proud to say that we have a strong relationship with over 600+ small, mid-sized and MNCs. Many of these companies have openings for Python specialists. Moreover, our very active placement cell provides 100% placement assistance to our students. The cell also contributes by training students in mock interviews and discussions even after the course completion.
You can contact our support number at 93450 45466 or directly walk-in into one of the FITA Academy branches in Chennai or Coimbatore.
The syllabus and teaching methodology are standardized across all our branches in Chennai. We also have a FITA Academy branch in Coimbatore. However, the batch timings may differ according to the type of students who present themselves.
We are proud to state that in the last 7+ years of our operations, we have trained over 75,000+ aspirants to be well-employed IT professionals in various IT companies.
We have been in the training field for close to a decade now. We set up our operations in 2012 by a group of IT veterans to offer world-class IT training.
We at FITA Academy believe in giving individual attention to students so that they can clarify all the doubts that arise in complex and challenging topics. Therefore, we restrict the size of each Python batch to 5 or 6 members.
Our Python faculty members are industry experts with extensive experience and completing mega real-time Python projects in different industry sectors. The students can rest assured that they are being taught by the best of the best in the Python industry.
Our courseware is designed to give a hands-on approach to the students in Python. The course comprises theoretical classes that teach the basics of each module, followed by high-intensity practical sessions reflecting the current challenges and needs of the industry that will demand the students’ time and commitment.
We accept Card, Bank transfer and UPI Payment.
There are no prerequisites for learning Python as your first programming language. Python is an open-source language and can be learned by anyone with prior knowledge of HTML and CSS. There are many options for learning a programming language, like Ruby, C, C++, and Java. Questions are raised as to which is the best programming language to learn. At present, Python is the "IT" programming language right now. Based on the study conducted by IEE and PYPL, Python holds the first place, followed by Java and C++. Python Courses in Chennai at FITA Academy trains the students efficiently from their fundamentals. Tutors at FITA Academy have a decade of experience in the subject matter. Classes at FITA Academy are designed flexibly to enable a convenient learning environment for the students.

There are various things we can do with the Python language. But Python is primarily used in three major applications, as listed below.

  • Web Development 
  • Data Science - including Machine Learning, data visualization, and analysis.
  • Scripting.

Web Development:

Web Frameworks primarily based on Python, like Django and Flask, are popular among web developers. That web framework helps to create server-side code (backend code) in Python and makes it easier to build common backend logic. It includes mapping many different URLs to the slab of Python code, handling the database and generating the HTML files users see on their web browser. 

Machine learning: Machine learning frequently implements an algorithm that automatically detects the pattern given in the input.

For example, you can give 1000 pictures of a flower and 1000 pictures of a dog to the machine learning algorithm. It will learn the difference between a flower and a dog. Later, when you give a new picture of a flower or dog, it will be able to differentiate between them. Similarly, you can apply the same idea to recommendation systems ( like YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon), face recognition, and voice recognition. Given below are a few of the popular machine learning algorithms.

  • Deep learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Random Forest
  • Support Vector Machines.

Data Visualization and Data Analytics:

Python is the leading programming language of choice for many data scientists. Python has more popularity in programming due to its excellent libraries, including Numpy and Pandas and its superb libraries for data visualization, like Matplotib and Seaborn.

Scripting: If you are doing things manually and want to automate the mundane stuff such as email, it is easy to automate once you know the basics of the language. Initially, Ruby was used for automation, but now Python is used for this type of task. Python is best suited for this task primarily because of its simple syntax and easy to write. It is also rapid to write something small and test it. 

Further, Python can be used in Browser Automation, Desktop Applications, Embedded Applications, Web Scraping, and Game Development.

Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy provides in-depth knowledge on the above mentioned topics. If you are new to the programming language and want to learn a programming language to kick-start your professional career, Python is the best programming language to learn.

FITA Academy helps the students by training the concepts clearly and making them kick-start their professional careers, thus rightly known as the best Python Training Institute in Chennai.

The primary reason for Python's popularity is because of its versatility and a vast range of modules and libraries. It is also popular because of its readability and expressiveness. Given below are a few Python scripts which are helpful and tricky.

All or any:

x = [True, True, False]

if any(x):

print("At least one True")

if all(x):

print("Not one False")

if any(x) and not all(x):

print("At least one True and one False")

Collections: Python has some default data types, but at the time, it just won't behave exactly the way you want. 

from collections import OrderedDict, Counter

# Remembers the order in which the keys are added!

x = OrderedDict(a=1, b=2, c=3)

# Counts the frequency of each character

y = Counter("Hello World!")

Geopy: Geography may be a challenging terrain for developers to navigate. The geopy module makes it easy. 

$ pip install geo

Also, it works by abstracting the API's range of decoding services. This enables you to obtain a place's full street address, longitude, latitude, and even altitude.

from geopy import GoogleV3

place = "221b Baker Street, London"

location = GoogleV3().geocode(place)



Inspect: Python's inspect module is handy for understanding what is happening behind the scenes. Given below are the codes for inspecting a source and module. 

import inspect




List Comprehensions: The expressions make it neat and easy to write almost like natural language.

numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

evens = [x for x in numbers if x % 2 is 0]

odds = [y for y in numbers if y not in evens]

cities = ['London', 'Dublin', 'Oslo']

def visit(city):

print("Welcome to "+city)

for city in cities:


Map: Python supports functional programming with several inbuilt features. The most useful function is a map () - especially in combination with lambada. 

x = [1, 2, 3]

y = map(lambda x : x + 1 , x)

# prints out [2,3,4]print(list(y))

Operator Overloading: Python provides help for operator overloading. It is a simple concept. You would have wondered why Python allows you to use the + operator to add numbers and concatenate strings. It is because operator overloading is in action. You can also define objects that use Python standard operator symbols in their specific way. 

class Thing:

def __init__(self, value):

self.__value = value

def __gt__(self, other):

return self.__value > other.__value

def __lt__(self, other):

return self.__value < other.__value

something = Thing(100)

nothing = Thing(0)

# True

something > nothing

# False

something < nothing

# Error

something + nothing

Type Hints: Python is a progressive-typed language. It is not required to specify the data types if you define variables, classes, and functions. 

def addTwo(x : Int) -> Int: return x + 2

Also, you can define type aliases:

from typing import List

Vector = List[float]Matrix = List[Vector]

def addMatrix(a : Matrix, b : Matrix) -> Matrix:

result = []

for i,row in enumerate(a):

result_row =[]

for j, col in enumerate(row):

result_row += [a[i][j] + b[i][j]]

result += [result_row]

return result

x = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]

y = [[2.0, 1.0], [0.0, -2.0]]

z = addMatrix(x, y)

Virtual Environment: Instances are where you are supposed to work on multiple Python projects simultaneously. Unfortunately, two projects would rely on different versions of the same dependency. Which one would you install on your system? Fortunately, Python's support for the virtual environment allows you to have the best of both worlds. 

Python -m venv my-project

source my-project/bin/activate

pip install all-the-modules

Wikipedia: Wikipedia has great API, allowing users programmatic access to an unparalleled body of completely free information and knowledge. This Wikipedia module makes accessing API almost convenient. 

import Wikipedia

result ='freeCodeCamp')


for a link in result.links:


Python Training in Chennai at FITA helps the students learn the Python scripts. FITA provides the students with the necessary training to excel in Python. Tutors at FITA have a decade of experience in this field, and they train the students efficiently to pursue their professional careers.

Python aims to be refined and expressive language. The term hidden is used to indicate features that are unique to Python. Given below are the major hidden features of Python.

  • List Slicing
  • Yield Statement
  • For else syntax
  • Multiple assignments
  • Arguments unpacking

More than ten thousand websites on the internet. Python is the most powerful programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Python is a popular language for both beginners and seasoned developers. Most successful tech companies choose Python for the back-end codes of their websites. Given below are the famous websites which are built using Python.

  • Google
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • Pinterest 
  • Dropbox
  • Insta cart
  • Lyft
  • Reddit.

Generally, people suggest the below ways to learn Python by oneself. 

  • Code daily and try to write it out every day.
  • Slowly, try writing complex programs regularly.
  • Strive to be a bug bounty hunter so that you can fix the errors.
  • Try to be around people also learning it from the initial stage.
  • Teach the codes or concepts to others. A common saying is that the best way to learn something is to teach it to others. 
  • Try to pair programs. 
  • Also, contribute more to the open-source programs. 

By following the steps mentioned above, one can understand the basic concepts of Python. To equip yourself professionally and have a holistic understanding of the concepts, you need the guidance of a professional institute. Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy supports the students with professional training. Tutors at FITA Academy explain the concepts clearly and provide you with a complete understanding of the concepts.

Python is an extensible and enriched programming language. It also helps professionals fix a wide range of technical and business problems; thus, its demand is growing daily. The learning process differs according to individual ability. However, Python is a simple and elegant programming language that is easy to learn. There are three standard levels in learning Python. They are Elementary, Advanced, and Professional. 

Elementary Python: Here, you will learn about syntax, keywords, if-else, loops, functions, exceptional handling, and data types.

Advanced Python: In this stage, you will learn about multithreading, socket programming, synchronization techniques, databases, SQL/Mongo DB programming, etc.

Professional Python: You will get to know about the concepts of Data Analytics, the required libraries, packages, image processing, and more important technologies that are taught in this stage. 

Python Training in T Nagar at FITA Academy provides in-depth training in the subject. Trainers at FITA Academy are well-expertized in the subjects, and they train students professionally to achieve their career goals.

Python provides a significant feature that grabs the attention of every programmer. Python has gained more attention because of its five primary reasons. The reasons are as follows.

Python has a supportive community: Almost all programming languages have support issues. Most of them need the documentation that makes it easier for the programmer to build the projects. Python has no such issues. It has plenty of documentation, tutorials, guides and much more to help a programmer since it has an active and prosperous support community that constantly provides help to the developers.

Python codes are easy to write: Python has simple and readable codes compared to other programming languages like Java, C or C++. The codes can be expressed easier, which can be simply interpreted even for a beginner in programming. Java Training in Chennai at FITA provides the students with comprehensive knowledge of the Java concept and its application by certified trainers. Join FITA Academy and learn the Java course professionally.

Availability and Open Source: Python is an open-source programming language, meaning the source codes are publicly available. One can use the code directly or modify it. 

Standard Library: Python has a huge standard library. The library consists of many in-built functions and pre-written codes so it eliminates the effort to write code or function. 

Cross-Platform Python Language: Python can run smoothly on various operating systems like Windows, Ubuntu, and Linux. Python can be interpreted, and it is a portable language. It means you can write code on the Windows platform and run it on the Mac. 

Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy helps the students with the necessary training. They train students efficiently by providing a holistic understanding of the concepts and also help them in achieving their career goals by providing professional training.

You can build various things with Python. Below are a few of the significant things you can build with Python. 

Python for Web Development:  Since Python is an Object-Oriented language, anyone starting will find it easy to play along with OO concepts. Web Development is an excellent option because you have many choices, like Django and Pyramid. So you can build a Website from scratch without feeling overwhelmed. Further, Python's standard library supports several internet protocols such as HTML, XML, and JSON.

Scientific and Numeric Computing: Data analytics primarily falls under scientific and numeric computing. You can use SciPy for mathematics, science, and engineering to build something in this niche. Pandas is also the data analysis and modeling library, so there are many things with Python within data science. If you need to edit or recode a code, you can use IPython, a robust interactive shell.

Function Decorators permit enhanced functionality: Function decorators are simple in Python language. Since they allow you to enhance the functionality of existing functions, this can be translated to Web Development and Data Analytics.

Machine Learning: Stuff like finding fingerprint identification, spam detection, and predicting stocks are achieved with the help of ML. Coders can set these functions by using Python modules such as Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, and Theano to support them.

Browser Automation: Python can automate your browser for social media posting. It can be done by using Selenium with Python

Python makes Robotics possible: Python code is used in Raspberry Pi to function as the robot's brain. By doing this, you can get the robot to react to its environment and perform various actions. Python has marked its significance in almost all the software and developments.

Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy provides the students with the right blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. Tutors at FITA Academy are well-expertized in the subject matter, with nearly a decade of experience in training students. In addition, FITA has branches in Velachery, Anna Nagar, T. Nagar, Thoraipakkam, Porur, and Tambaram.

Python and C++ are both programming languages. Both C++ and Java differ from each other in many ways. C++ originates to C language with multiple models and provides the compilation feature. Python is a high-level programming language, and a variable can be used directly without its declaration when writing Python code. Whereas in C++, a single program must be compiled on all the operating systems the code should run. Python is known for its simplicity, readability and as an object-oriented programming language. Python is comparatively easier to learn in programming languages. Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy trains the students professionally. FITA Academy provides in-depth coverage of the language.
Given below are the basic differences between Python and C++ language. Basis of Distinction Python C++ Garbage collection Python supports garbage collection. C++ doesn’t support garbage collection. Usage It is easy to write code. It has Complex syntax, and it takes work to write. Compilation It can run through an interpreter. It is pre-compiled. Rapid Prototyping It is possible to do Rapid Prototyping because the size of the code is small. It is not possible because the size of the code is large. Scope of the Variables Variables can be accessed even outside the loop. Variables scope in C++ is limited within the loop. Installation It is challenging to install Python on a Windows box. There is no difficulty in installation. Functions Python doesn’t have any restrictions on the type of the argument and the type of its return value. C++ can accept and return the type of value that is already defined. Efficiency It is easy to maintain, object-oriented, and simple to use. It is a little tedious to maintain and use. Nature Python is a dynamically typed language. C++ is a statically typed language.

Given below are the list of best GUI for Python.

  • Tkinter
  • Flexx
  • Dabo
  • CEF Python
  • Kivy
  • Pyforms
  • PuGobject
  • PyQt
  • PySide 
  • PyGUI
  • Libvag
  • PyGTK| PyGobject
  • wxPython.
Python is widely used in different environments. Being a highly adaptable programming language, Python allows easy developing and maintenance of projects of different companies. Python has been an essential part of Google from the company's earlier stage. Python is recognized as an official language on Google. Python is one of the critical languages at Google, with C++ and Java. The key contributor to the Python language is Google, and they pursue to promote and support the language actively. Python runs on various Google internal systems and appears in many Google APIs. Python is used mainly in Google App Engine and YouTube. Programmers at Google use Python for Google Build System, Google internet packaging format, Binary data pusher, Code review tools, System Administration tools, and many Google Engine Apps. The key reason why Python is predominantly used in Google is because of its scalability, flexibility, and rapid development process. Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy provides students with professional training. The concepts of the Python language are taught clearly. The tutors at FITA Academy are well-expertized in the subject, with a decade of experience in this field. We have branches in Velachery, Tambaram, Porur, T. Nagar, Thorippakam, and Anna Nagar.

Differentiate list and tuples?

There is an edit and mute option in the lists, whereas there is no edit and mute option in the tuples. Lists are slow, and tuples are fast.

Explain the features of Python.

PHP and Ruby are interpreted and not compiled languages like Java and C#. No need to compile the code of Python before it is run.

Python is a dynamically typed language, making declaring the variables very easy. Python is an object-oriented language, and Python does not have access specifies like C++'s public or private. The process in Python programming is the objects take the form of variables, variables take the form of functions, and the variables return from the functions and enter into the functions. The first class objects in the programming are called classes. Thus, join our Python Training in Chennai.

Compared with the compiled languages, the writing of the Python code is comparatively slow. The bottlenecks can be optimized with the help of the inclusion of a C-based extension. Python is used for projects which deal with web applications, testing, data analysis and scientific modelling. It is like connecting language to other languages.

What do you infer by the terms deep and shallow copy in Python?

A shallow copy is a new copy with a reference point to the original objects. Member class and original class are interrelated, and if there are changes in the member class, ultimately, the original class also shows the impact of the changes. Depending upon the size of the data, the shallow copy allows for the faster execution of the program. Deep copy takes the copied value and does not take the reference pointers to the object. The objects that are called make a deep copy, which makes the execution slower. The changes in the copy won't affect the copies the object uses.

Explain multithreading in Python.

The GIL is the lock in the Python, which executes only one thread at a time. The threads are taking turns using the same CPU core, and the threads are not processed parallel. It is not a good idea to use Python threading to increase the speed of your project.

Explain how the ternary operators are used in Python.

The conditional statements are written using the ternary operator. The conditional statements are the true or false statements with evaluation.

Explain the method to manage Python.

Memory management in Python manages the Python private heap space. The Python objects and data structures are kept in the private heap in Python. The Python interpreter has access to this private heap, and the Python programmer does not have access to this private heap. The garbage collector is the inbuilt option in Python, which uses unused memory and is available in the heap space.

Give an illustration and explain the term inheritance in Python.

The inheritance helps the class to gain members from the superclass. All the members are needed in one class to create and maintain. The superclass is the class used to inherit, and the derived or child class is the derived class from the superclass.

List the number of inheritance which is used when using the Python language.

Single, multi-level, hierarchical, and multiple inheritances are the different types of inheritance used in Python. If the class acquired the member from a single superclass, it is termed a single inheritance in the Python programming language. The derived class d1 is inherited from base class base1, and d2 is inherited from base2, which is called multi-level inheritance; many child classes are inherited from one base class, which is called hierarchical inheritance. If more than one base class inherits a derived class, it is called multiple inheritance.

Describe what a flask is and what are all its benefits.

Flask is the fame work, and it is called a web micro-framework. The dependencies are less, and the Python programming has no external libraries. The security bugs are fewer, and as there are few dependencies, it is lightweight. Python course in Chennai will be helpful to your career.

Explain the help() and dir() functions in Python.

Help () and dir() functions are used in Python and the interpreter for viewing the consolidated dump of built-in functions. The modules, keywords and attributes are seen using the help() and help () functions. Dir() is the function for the defined symbols to display.

Why the memory of Python is not de-allocated?

The de-allocations of the objects do not happen in the global namespaces in Python. The de-allocation of the portions of memory from the C library is impossible. The Python would destroy or de-locate every other object.

Mention the size of the identifier in Python.

Any length is acceptable as the size of the identifier. There needs to be the right length.

Explain the reason why the local variable name of the underscore is discouraged.

The local variable name is used to show the private variable of a class. Hence, they are discouraged. The private variables show that the variables are not accessed outside the class.

Explain whether the variable statement with space is valid.

The variable statement with space is not valid.

Explain the dictionary in Python.

The key and the values in Python have one-to-one relationships, and the built-in data types are called dictionaries in Python. Keys indexes these dictionaries, and the keys and values are given in the dictionary.

Explain the term monkey patching in Python.

The dynamic modifications of a class or module at run-time are called monkey patching. The changes are made in the behaviour of f () function with the help of the My Class. The monkey_f() is defined outside of the module m.

Explain the term "args, Kwargs" and why we use it.

"args" shows the arguments passed to a function and uncertainty in the number of arguments passed. "Kwargsis" is used in places where the values of a dictionary are passed as keyword arguments. If the number of arguments is not known, in that case," kwargis" will be used. "bob", and "billy" are also similar to args and kargs.

Explain the negative indexes and why it is used.

The positive and negative numbers are used in Python, and 0 is the positive number. If "0" is the positive number, then first index is "0" and the second index is "1". The positive is used to add, whereas the negative is used to remove any new line spaces in Python. The negative index is used to show the string in the correct order. The negative number starts with "-1, and the sequence moves forward like the positive number.

How does compilation and linking make the Python process perfect?

The compiled procedure is followed to compile the new extensions, making the process perfect without any errors. The style of the dynamic loading depends upon the system. The interpreter in Python is used to provide the configuration set-up files for the dynamic loading. The interpreter also helps with rebuilding.

What is the purpose of using random modules in Python?

Random modules are used in Python to generate random numbers.

What are the functions of the Range and X range?

X range and Range list integers to use in the functionality. Python list object is the return from the Range, and python X range object is the return from the X range object, which is used in the functionalities. Yielding is the technique of the X range, which creates values with the help of unique techniques like generators. X range demands for the memory, and if the memory is not sufficient, the system may crash.

Describe the process in Python with pickling and unpickling.

The dump function in the pickle module accepts the Python object, converts it into a string representation, and finally dumps it into the dump function. This process is called pickling. The stored string representation helps retrieve the original Python objects, called un pickling.

Differentiate between Django, Pyramid, and Flask?

Flask is for small applications and uses external libraries for simpler requirements. Pyramid is for the larger application, and it provides the flexibility to use the right tools for different project types. The URL structure, database, and template style are used from the Pyramid. The configuration part is heavy in Pyramid. Django includes ORM, which can be used for larger applications like Pyramid. Python Classes in Chennai provide practical-oriented training to the students, which helps to enter the IT industry.

Explain in detail about the Django architecture.

The role of the developer is to prepare the template with model, view and controller then Django provides the final output to the user with mapping.

How to create a database in Django?

Command edit my site. Python uses the setting to set up dataset in Django. This module-level represents the Django setting.

Explain how you can set up the Database in Django.

The mysite/py is the normal function with module level showing the D jango settings. Django is the SQL database with the option of changing the database name. If SQL is used along with Django, the database will be a file on your computer. The name and the file name are given in the obsolete path. If SQL is not used as a database in Django, then the user name, password and host must be added. If the database server like Postgre SQL, My SQL, Oracle and MSSQL is not there, then the database administration tool is used in the Django project. Enrol now on the Python course in Chennai for a bright future.

Explain the components in the templates of Django.

The text file is called a template in Django. The text-based simple format can be XML, CSV, and HTML. The tags control the template's logic, and the variables are the values that can be replaced per the different format.

What is a session in the Django framework?

The session is the visitor data of the website. The cookies store the data and retrieve the data from the client side and server side. Data is stored on the server side, not on the client side, which helps for further analysis.

Mention the three styles of inheritance used in Django.

Abstract base classes, multi-table inheritance, and proxy models are the three types of inheritance styles in Django. An abstract class is used in places where the parent class holds the information and the child model doesn't hold. If the existing model belongs to the subclass and if each model needs its database tables, then it is a multi-table inheritance. The behaviour at the Python level is modified using the proxy model in the Python language. Python Training in Chennai will be the right choice for you to learn everything.

Describe the map function of Python.

The first argument on the entire element is executed in the map function. The function and the arguments show the number of iterables. It is applied for specified iterable, and it returns the map object. Using their factory functions, it is possible to convert the map object into to sequence object.

Describe the benefits of the decorators?

The class or function is wrapped with the decorator. This option is used in Python for code modification or injection of code. The particular piece of code can be executed after the execution of a particular code with the decorators. The permissions, modifications, and tracking of the arguments are done using the decorators.

Differentiate Numpy and Scipy?

Numpy consists of the array data type, basic operations like indexing, sorting, reshaping, basic element-wise functions etc. Scipy is the component which consists of the numerical code. Numpy consists of linear algebra functions, and it is compatible. Spicy consists of all the linear algebraic functions, but some belong to the NumPy also. For scientific research with the Python programming language, Numpy and Scipy are both important.

YouTube is a big player in Python. The complete site uses Python for various purposes like controlling templates, viewing video, administering video, website, and access for canonical data and many other places. To conclude, Python is found everywhere on YouTube.

The leading Python frameworks that are applied in Game Development are:

  • Pygame
  • Pyglet
  • PyKara
  • Kivy
  • PyOpenGL
  • Cosco2d
  • Panda3D
  • Ren'Py
  • Python-Ogre

The Python programming language is used in:

  • Machine Learning
  • Scripting or Automation
  • Data Analysis
  • Web Development
  • Game Development
  • Software Testing & Prototyping.

The Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy explains the concepts of Python and its applications extensively to the students with certification.

Flask is the popular API of Python that permits you to develop web applications. A Web Application Framework is the assembly of modules and libraries. It supports the developers in writing applications without writing low-level codes like thread management and protocols. For instance, Flask is developed using the Web Server Gateway Interface - WSGI toolkit and Jina2 template engine.
Flask and Django are popular Python Web frameworks. Django is a bundle pack Web framework. Flask is an extendable and weightless framework. When you want to get deeper into learning the code and core concepts, Flask aids you in comprehending how all the components from the back-end function for getting a simple web application running. In contrast, Django includes more pattern designs for learning new concepts. However, there is a vast community backup for both frameworks, so when you are into trouble, you will have a massive backup to simplify your job.
Python Training in Chennai

Why Python?

Python is one of the most flexible and powerful open-source programming languages that is easy to learn. Python is widely used because of its powerful data mining and analysis libraries. Python has been used in scientific computing and highly quantitative domains such as finance, banking, and signal processing. A large number of organizations are migrating and transitioning to Python. Dropbox, Zenefits, Evernote, Gartner, New York University, General Electric, Google, Citi, Toyota, Juniper Networks, BuzzFeed, WebMD and Nasdaq are some companies using PythonPython extensively. Google engineers are heavily using PythonPython, and the company is constantly looking for people with good skills in PythonPython. Python training in Chennai at FITA Academy will cover basic and advanced Python concepts, like writing Python scripts, sequence and file operations in Python, writing Classes in Python, and using the Django framework with Python.

Python has advanced data structures and an effective object-oriented programming concept that allows developers to write concepts in fewer links than other programming languages. The simple syntax and dynamic typing feature make Python an ideal programming language for scripting and rapid application development on many platforms. This programming language is used in leading companies like Google, Yahoo, CERN and even NASA. If you are new or need to learn Python programming, you can consider taking Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy.

Python supports multiple programming models such as imperative and functional programming, object-oriented or procedural styles. This programming language also features automatic memory management, a dynamic type system, and inclusive libraries. Being an open source platform, Python programming language is used everywhere. It increases the career prospects of Python developers.

Eligibility for Python

Python is the legacy technology in the realm of the programming world. Python and Java are object-oriented programming languages, but Python is more user-friendly than Java as it is a dynamic language with the appropriate logic. The loops have generic concepts and can be integrated with many tasks in the coding. The Oops concept used in Python is also taught in languages like C++, PHP and Java. Learning the Oops concept and understanding the logic behind the loops is also helpful in learning the other advanced-level programming languages. Join the Python Training in Chennai at FITA Academy to become prominent in the job industry.

Python is taught in schools in foreign countries to know the base for the programming languages. The basic writing of the syntax is the same in Python, irrespective of the different versions, like Python 2 and Python 3. Learning the latest version is easy, and the learning path of Python is beginner-friendly. Let us explore who is eligible to learn the Python Training in Chennai.

  • Knowledge about the data structure and the algorithms gives the idea to learn and excel in any programming language. So, to learn Python, know the basics of the data structures and algorithms used. Python Course in Chennai with the best institute will shape your knowledge and aid in clearing the interviews with the top companies.
  • A good approach towards the problems in coding is essential for a Python developer. The Python developer should possess problem-solving skills.
  • Designing skills is also essential for Python developers as they deal with secure and scalable servers.
  • Python developers should have communication and coordination skills as they deal with big projects and extensive teams of members.

The skills mentioned earlier must be analyzed personally before joining the Python course. There are no specific criteria for joining the Python course in Chennai, as it is a simple language with vast demand in the job industry. The basic skills will help shine in the job roles and provoke the individual to learn the advanced Python course to enter into multiple domains like data science, Artificial intelligence, machine learning, web development, cloud computing, and developing desktop GUI applications. Python Classes in Chennai at FITA Academy are organized with a proper schedule and in-depth study material.

Skills required for the Python developer to excel in the development career

Python is easy to learn due to its straightforward syntax and OOPS concept. Python increases the performance of the applications used by popular web apps like Google, and Wordstream use Python. Python is an open-source platform, and it is easy to learn. The advantages of Python are multi-fold in recent software projects. Let me detail the skills a Python developer requires to manage the competitive world with preparedness. Python Training in Chennai will bring a good change in your professional life with the knowledge and skills.

  • Python is used to access the data and use the APIs to read the data from the web application. Learning the web framework is essential to complete the different types of projects successfully. Django, CherryPy, and Flask are some of the latest frameworks used in Python projects. Updating the knowledge with the latest framework is essential to increase the demand in the Job market. Python Training in Chennai will provide a blissful future by providing the necessary knowledge.
  • Python developer deals with the application and the back end of the application. So, knowledge about the database and system administration helps solve the problems at the system and data levels rather than making changes in the coding.
  • The application and database connection is created with mappers like the ORM, Django ORM and SQLAlchemy. The mapper is faster, easier and more efficient than the SQL. The skills of the knowledge from libraries of Python are essential for a Python developer. Python has a big community and provides the answer to all the coding issues. The performance-oriented robust applications are created by using the library of Python. Python Course in Chennai at FITA Academy will provide the path to the high volume of job opportunities and position the candidates in reputed organizations.
  • The job of the back-end developer deals with the back-end operations and understanding of the front end changes. To match the changes with the coding, the Python developer should know the front end technologies like Javascript, CSS and HTML.
  • If you have attained good career growth and are moving towards an advanced level from the basic level, then knowledge about the version control system is essential. Bitbuck and Github are the two services that work online for the version control system. This aids in the code repository and sharing of the code.

FITA Academy offers Python courses in Chennai by Python experts with more than 8 years of experience in UI development. We offer professional training through a world-class interactive system. We offer practical-oriented training that assists students in gaining hands-on experience. With our professional training, we guarantee 100% satisfaction for your investment.

Django Training In Chennai

Django is an open-source web application framework written in Python, powered by Django Software Foundation. This programming language follows the MVC architectural pattern. Django’s primary goal is to ease the development of complex and data-based powered websites. Factors like managing high traffic, site code, bug tracking, quick updates, code reusability, ready-made tools and support will determine the success of a web application. Django programming language features all the features mentioned above that make this framework popular among web developers. Some popular sites that use the Django framework include Pinterest, Instagram, Disqus, etc.

FITA Academy offers Django Python training in Chennai by certified professionals. Python and Django are widely recognized as one of the most accessible programming languages to learn, even for beginners.

What is the future of Python from a growth perspective?

Python is used in machine learning, big data, and cloud computing, forming the latest IT industry technologies. Python Classes in Chennai will prepare an individual for changes in the job market. It is also used for multiple purposes like web development, game development, scientific computing and system administration. Python is a cross-platform language compatible with Ubuntu, Linux, and Windows operating systems. Python has multiple support from the libraries; it supports multiple languages by giving the basic knowledge needed for understanding. In countries like France, the UK and the USA, Python has gained good popularity with the vast demand from the top industries. Python is a versatile language used for multiple projects. The competition for Python arises from the JAVA, C++ and Dot net. Python’s future is bright, implying that the demand and salary for python professionals are also high. Python Classes in Chennai is designed to help the learning community.

Different projects with Python

Python is widely used and a dynamic language. Let us provide some exciting projects for learners to explore Python. Python Training in Chennai will prepare the individual to face the challenges on the job with practical knowledge.

  • Creating games or puzzles which interest the individual is the best project which can be done with Python.
  • Python can be used for the different types of calculators.
  • A fresh website can be developed with Python knowledge.
  • Create a text editor with the knowledge of Python.
  • Create chatbots with Python
  • With the help of the local network, create chatting apps

Automating the manual process with the help of Python will bring creativity to the projects created. Join the Python Course in Chennai at FITA Academy to gain knowledge about exciting projects and practical problems in the real world.

Python Tutorial

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages deployed for dynamic and general-purpose usage. Users prefer this language over others due to its uncomplicated and effortless learning and numerous data structures. It is effective due to its flexible scripts add to the advantage of using it.

This existed between 1985 and 1990, which Guido van Rossum developed in the Netherlands. It derives from a cluster of programming languages such as Moduls-3, C++, ABC, SmallTalk and many more.

Its wide usage is due to its support for different programming patterns, including imperative, procedural, object-oriented or functional programming styles.

There is no compilation process in Python, so the developing and debugging steps are done quickly. Python Training in Chennai will be of great scope for you.

History of Python versions

  • In 1994, the first version of Python 1.0 was launched.
  • Python 2.0 was released with new features like a garbage collection system and list comprehension.
  • By 2008, the next version, Python 3.0, came into the market and was designed to fix the flaws present in the previous versions.
  • The programming language that was in use before Python was ABC. For further clarity in this programming language, join our Python Course in Chennai.

Features of Python

There are numerous features included in Python:

Learn with ease: This language consists of very few keywords, a non structure, and a definite syntax.

Maintenance: It is simple to maintain.

Standard library: The library of Python is vast and can be used for cross-platform compatibility.

Expressive: Compared with other programming languages, it is more understandable with a readable format.

Expandable: Users can add low-level modules that enable the programmers to customize the tools.

Supportive: This supports both structural and functional programming methodologies along with OOP.

Open-source: For the developers, getting an entirely free language with open-source is beneficial.

Manageable: This programming language can be run on various hardware platforms with the same interface.

Interactive mode: It allows debugging of snippets along with interactive testing. Thus, it is known as interactive mode.

Cross-platform: It is easy for a developer to execute the applications over various platforms like Linux, Windows, Macintosh and Unix, making it portable.

GUI programming: Python helps back up the various GUI applications, which can be ported and created into numerous Windows systems, libraries, and system calls.

Scalable: This provides an excellent structure and support for massive programs rather than shell scripting.

Additionally, we compiled the Top 10 Python Books for Beginners and Advanced Programmers to learn more about the Python Programming language.

Difference between Python Version 2 and 3

Every version update released in any application or language consists of some fix that mends the previous version’s drawbacks. Hence, it is necessary to differentiate between the two to get in-depth knowledge. Therefore, knowing about both Python 2 and Python 3 is vital.

The significant differences between the two are mentioned below:

  • Python 2 uses print statements, whereas Python 3 deploys print as a function.
  • In Python 2 function, raw input() is used to accept the input from the user and returns a string that represents the exact value the user has typed. Then, the int() function is deployed to convert it into an integer. On the other hand, Python 3 uses the function input() that interprets the input type in an automated manner.
  • The implicit type in Python 2 is ASCII, whereas for Python 3 is Unicode.
  • The xrange() function of Python version 2 is absent in Python 3.

Python applications

This programming language is well known for general-purpose usage, which makes it appropriate for software development. Python Training in Chennai will fetch the required information for building a great career. Some of the applications in which Python can be deployed are:

Web applications

Python can be deployed for developing various web applications that hand over libraries to manage various internet protocols, namely XML, Email processing, HTML requests and many more. It supports various frameworks, namely Pyramid, Django, Flask and many more, to design and develop web applications.

Desktop GUI applications

Python provides the Tk GUI library to create user interfaces in the applications based on Python.

3D CAD application

This is used to create a CAD application that provides complete features of CAD.

Software development

It aids the developers in the development of applications. It acts as the supporting language for building up management and testing.

Scientific and numeric

This language is known for its wide usage in scientific and numeric computing.

Audio/Video based application

Python performs various tasks concerning developing multimedia applications.

Business applications

It is used to build various business applications such as e-commerce and ERP systems.

Console based applications

Python can be deployed for developing applications based on the console.

Enterprise applications

Python can be deployed in creating applications that can be used in an Enterprise organization.

Data types in Python

Variables are always capable of holding values of various data types. Since Python is a dynamically typed programming language, there is no need to define variable type. Moreover, the interpreter binds the overall value with its type. Python Course in Chennai will be the right choice for software developers.

Python allows the user to check the variable type used in the program. It provides us type() function that returns the type of variable passed.

Standard data types

It provides numerous standard data types, which define the storage method on each one. The various data types that are defined in Python are mentioned below:

  • Numbers
  • Dictionary
  • String
  • List
  • Tuple


Numbers are used for the storage of all the numeric values. Moreover, Python creates the Number objects when any number is to be assigned for a variable.

Python handles 4 numeric data types- float, complex, int, and long. Python enables the user to use a lower-case L along with long integers.


It can be defined as the series of characters represented in quotation marks. The user can use single, double, or triple quotes to define a string. Handling string is an upfront task as there are different inbuilt functions along with the operators provided.


They are similar to arrays present in C. Nevertheless, the list may consist of data of various types. The items stored in the list are partitioned with a comma further enclosed within the square brackets.


It is more or less similar to the list as it also consists of a collection of items of various data types, separated by a comma and enclosed within parentheses.


It is the ordered set of key-value pairs of items, similar to an associative array in which each key stocks a specific value.

Python is considered one of the best-suited programming languages for the technology, requiring versatility and flexibility in scripting. Hence, it is widely deployed in Data science by various organizations worldwide. In addition, it gets upgraded regularly to the latest addition to the library, which is beneficial for the user. Python Training in Chennai is gaining tremendous reach among students. There are various reasons for its usage in data science. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • It is straightforward to learn quickly, which is more or less similar to the R language. In addition, this also makes it easy for the user to handle even complex scenarios.
  • The execution of the process is done swiftly, along with the execution of code on multiple environments.
  • Memory management, particularly garbage collection, is excellent compared to other programming languages.
  • Moreover, its extensive library collection is an analysis tool for special purposes.
  • The packages included in Python enable the user to deploy the code directly from various other languages.

Python- Pandas

Pandas is considered an open-source library in Python for manipulating high-performance data and its analysis with the help of robust data structures. Python with Pandas can be used in many academic or commercial domains, such as finance, statistics, web analytics, economics, advertising, etc. Python Classes in Chennai are of significant scope in leading organizations worldwide.

By deploying Pandas, the user can easily accomplish five critical processing steps: organizing, loading, modeling, analyzing, and manipulating data.

Features of Pandas

  • The DataFrame object this efficient and swift, having a customized index.
  • Pivoting along with reshaping various data sets.
  • Insertion and deletion of columns are accessible from any data structure.
  • A time series function is available.
  • During either merging or joining two data, the performance is witnessed to be high.
  • Indexing, slicing based on the label, and sub-setting of massive data sets.
  • Data grouping for transformation or aggregation is possible.
  • Integration and alignment of the missing data are done.
  • There are various tools available for the process of loading data within memory data objects.

The data structures present in Pandas are usually built over a Numpy array, making the process fast and efficient. Join Python Classes in Chennai at FITA Academy for in-depth knowledge.

Python- NumPy

It is nothing but Numerical Python, consisting of arrays, multidimensional objects, and a set of routines.

Operation deployed using NumPy.

Many operations can be performed with the help of NumPy. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Logical as well as mathematical operation.
  • Routine along with Fourier transforms for the manipulation of shape.
  • Linear algebra operations along with number generation.

Python- SciPy

Its library is built to work alongside NumPy arrays that act as user-friendly and great efficient numbers practices like integration and optimization.

When a comparison has to be made between NumPy and SciPy, both are simple to use, with complete dependency on leading scientists across the globe. Its preference has increased due to its execution on almost all the operating systems in the market, along with swift installation.

Data Structure

SciPy makes use of a multidimensional array as a data structure that is favored by the NumPy module.

Python- Matplotlib

It is a type of Python library deployed for creating 2D plots and graphs with the help of Python scripts. The module called Pyplot makes the plotting process very simple due to line style control, formatting axes, and font properties.

It also supports various graphs, such as bar charts, error charts, histograms, etc. Matplotlib is being used along with NumPy to provide an alternative environment for MatLab. Moreover, this can be deployed with graphic toolkits such as wxPython and PyQt.

Python- Data Operation

This helps manage data of different formats with two libraries- NumPy and Pandas.

Data operations in NumPy

The critical object defined in this is an N-dimensional array known as ndarray. This outlines the items gathered of the same type, which could be accessed with the help of a zero-based index.

Data operations in Pandas

They are good at managing data using data frames, panels and series. They are illustrated in detail below:

Pandas series: This is a one-dimensional array capable of holding data of various types. The axis label on the whole is known as the index.

Pandas DataFrame: This is nothing but a 2D data structure in which data is arranged in a tabular manner.

Pandas panel: It is a 3D container which derived its name from econometrics.

Python-Data Cleansing

When data is missing, it creates issues in real-time. Certain areas, such as data mining and machine learning, experience severe problems when the data is inaccurate.

How is Data missed?

Data can be missed in numerous ways. Sometimes, people miss out on specific details due to their urgency in accomplishing the task, but they need to remember that if the whole thing needs to be updated, the task is complete.

Python- Processing CSV data

CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, considered a basic in Data Science. It is also witnessed that data is gathered from different sources that can be sent out to the CSV, which various other systems can then use. The Pandas library gives away many features that can be utilized in reading the CSV file on the whole or in parts.

Python- Processing JSON data

This file is used for storing data in text format that humans can read, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

Python- Processing XLS Data

The appealing features and user-friendliness make MS Excel widely valuable for Data Science. The Pandas library consists of a feature that enables the user to read the Excel file at their convenience.

Python- Relational Databases

The user can connect the relational databases to analyze data by deploying the pandas library and an additional library to implement connectivity between data. Python- NoSQL Database

The necessity for managing both semi-structured and unstructured data has become vital with the help of the NoSql database. There is no difference in Python establishing the interaction with NoSql and Relational databases.

Python- Data and Time

In data science, the analysis is done based on temporal values. Python can manage different data and time formats reasonably. The library of datetime gives away the needful methodology along with functions to handle some of the mentioned scenarios:

  • Date Time Arithmetic
  • Date Time Representation
  • Date Time Comparison

Representation of Data Time

Every part of the date is depicted with the deployment of various datetime functions. The format specifiers make displaying the date’s alphabetic portion much more accessible.

Python- Data Wrangling

This process involves different data formats such as grouping, merging, concatenating and many more to analyze the data and make them ready for usage by any other data set. Python consists of various built-in features for applying wrangling methodology over different data sets to achieve an analytical outcome.

Grouping Data

This is needed frequently in data analysis in which the user expects to get the desired result in various terms of the present group in the data set.

Concatenating data

Pandas are responsible for the facilities to combine various objects easily, such as DataFrame, Series and Panel.

Python- Data aggregation

Python uses several methodologies that are accessible for accomplishing the aggregations of data. This task is accomplished with the deployment of Pandas along with NumPy libraries. To apply the aggregation function over data, it is necessary to convert the available data into a data frame.

Python- Reading of HTML pages

By deploying this, the user can search for values of the HTML tags and fetch the particular data, such as the page title.

Python- Processing Unstructured data

The conversion process of data already present in tabular format is easy as this can be fitted into the database in the later period known as structured data. For instance, files such as TXT, CSV and XLS have definite widths in which missing values will be left as blank spaces. Python Course in Chennai will be helpful for you to mould your career in the IT sector.

Sometimes, the user comes across data in which the width of the lines needs to be hooked. These data are called unstructured data in Python. For more information regarding Python, visit our Python Training Institute in Chennai.

Python- Word Tokenization

This process is used for splitting large text samples into simple words, which is considered a requirement in any natural processing of language in which every word is secured for the accomplishment of analysis in future, such as counting and classifying everything for specific sentiment. The deployment of NLTK accomplishes all of the above processes. NLTK stands for Natural Language Tool Kit.

Python- Stemming and lemmatization

Sometimes, the user comes across situations where many words have similar roots. When there is a search related to words that have the same root should be treated as the same word. Thus, it is a crucial process of linking the words to their root word. Therefore, the NLTK library consists of a methodology for linking and giving away the output displaying the root word.

Python- Chart properties

A blend of NumPy, Matplotlib, along with Pandas aids in the creation of all types of visualization. Python contains libraries that are excellent for the visualization of data. Python Training in Chennai may get you to your desired job in the IT industry.

Python- Chart Styling

In Python, the creation of a chart can be modified further using suitable methodology from the available libraries deployed for charting.

Python- Box plots

It is a measure of the distribution of data in a dataset. The dataset is divided into three quartiles: the minimum, median, third, maximum and first quartiles. This is beneficial in making the comparison of various data across datasets.

Python- Heat Maps

This consists of values that represent multiple shades of any single colour for every value that has been plotted. In general, darker shades depict a greater value when compared with lighter shades. Every colour has a different value that is to be used.

Python- Scatter Plots

This has various plots in the Cartesian plane. Every point symbolizes the value of any two variables. One variable is considered along the horizontal and the other vertical axis.

Python- bubble Charts

They are responsible for displaying data assemblages of circles. This requires data in the creation of a bubble chart.

Python- 3D Charts

It can create 3D charts. The addition of a subplot to any existing 2D plot is possible.

Python Industrial Updates

Attributes to Python 3.7

Python frameworks such as Pyramid and Django are used for web development. Flask and bottle provide the lightweight frameworks used for the development using Python. Python is used for e-commerce, ERP systems, web development, cloud or internet environments, desktop applications, project management, and bug tracking. Learning Python will help me understand the basics of a programming language and also serve as a fundamental for advanced-level solid knowledge. Join the Python Training in Chennai for learning with examples and practical examples.

Python is the high-level language used for developing applications with high performance. The server-side scripting is not visible to users, whereas the client-side scripting is visible to the users. The source code of the client-side applications is transferred to the user computer with security risks from the user computer. The source code of the server-side applications runs the script in a web server and creates an HTML page for the client browser. Join the Python Course in Chennai to gain detailed knowledge which takes the students to a bright future.

The security measures or the processes of the programming language are different for the client and server environments. The separation of the client-server and the processes related to interaction are designed in a client environment. Python is used for interactive applications and server-side applications. Python Training in Chennai will enhance job opportunities and, by the way, promote the software industry with high-performance products. We would like to hone the students’ virtual and practical knowledge through the detailed advancements in Python3.7.

Bug tracking

Tracking the bug with the access is essential to any programming language. The new part added to Python 3.7 is breakpoint (), which helps with the debugging aspect. The standard library of Python provides for the ‘pdb.’ as a debugger, and Python 3.7 breakpoint is used for the Python. The breakpoint during the script shows that the PDB debugging session starts. To continue the script, ‘c’ is typed, and then enter is used. The breakpoint’s behavior is controlled via changes in the settings with PYTHONBREAKPOINT. Python Training in Chennai will give answers to your questions regarding Python programming. Breakpoint is the option used for debugging and interaction when writing the code. Breakpoint is used for calling the functions and passing the arguments.

Adding classes

The data classes are added to store the data, and creating the class takes more time as it requires nine lines of code. To make the code simpler and aid in adding more small classes with less time, the data class is introduced in Python. The data class can be further sorted using the specification, and the fields also can be customized. Python Course in Chennai is the best course for beginners to excel in programming.


Classes, functions and modules are used as attributes in Python. When dealing with the module attribute, Python 3.7 introduces the getattr and dir() function for adding the customization. The plugin system module can be created with the new version with ease. The package will not dictate the functions but will register them. The individual functions will work independently and register under the package. The decorator, ‘ @register_plugin’, is decorated in Python to import the plugins. The function plugins/ is used in the new version to list the names of the plugins imported. The modules are imported inside the plugins directory in the new Python version. Join the Python Training in Chennai to march towards advancement in your career.


The Python 3 releases are focused towards developing the annotations and type hints. The typing module is needed to use the type hints, and this module is the slowest. The speed or performance is increased with the help of the PEP 560 in the new Python version. Forward references are expected to be added to Python 4.0. Forward references are available for future import in Python 3.7. Annotations are used during the runtime, and the forward references are explicitly handled in the new version. Enroll for the Python Classes in Chennai and learn about Python’s value in the recent software industry.


Six functions are added to the time module, as mentioned in the PEP 564. Clock_gettime_ns() is the statement for returning the time, Clock_settime_ns () is the statement for dealing with setting the time for specified clock, monotonic_ns() is for the relative clock and this will not go backwards, perf_counter_ns() is the clock to measure the short intervals, Process_time_ns is the statement for summing up of the system time and user system time, time_ns () is the statement for returning the nanoseconds. The date time library of Python will not cut nanotime precision, and it will explicitly handle the microseconds. Python Training in Chennai is helpful to flourish in the future with the passionate job.


The ordered dictionaries with the previous versions are part of the language specifications. This insert-order dictionary is helpful in similar projects.


The reserved keywords list does not have ‘async’ and ‘await’ keywords. The “asyncio”, introduced initially in Python 3.4, is again added to the new version of Python 3.7. Due to this advancement, no need to create event loops and context variables are supported in this version.


Context variables and thread-local storage work in a similar way. The context variable helps for the execution of several contexts in one thread. The variables are tacked in the asynchronous tasks. Search for the best Python Training Institute in Chennai and scale up your skills to gain progression in the job.


To import the files in Python, a few options are commonly seen, and those are hard-coded paths, storing the data in the files and then locating it. To access the data file resources, the setup tools are used. All these options have disadvantages like the portable size, slowness, and incorrect format inside the zip.

Join FITA Academy, the best Python Training Institute in Chennai, to visualize the power of knowledge. Testing the application before implementing the change of version is essential. Python 3.7 will break some of the earlier codes, so testing is required to smooth the process of changing the version. To make use of the benefits from the latest version, it is essential to change the version previously used over the application.

Why should you consider studying the Python Programming Language?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that Guido van Rossum created. It combines remarkable power with very clear syntax and has extensive community support. Many people have suggested reasons for learning a Python course in Chennai as a first programming language. This article shares 10 reasons to consider studying the Python Programming language.

  • Python is relatively easy to learn compared to C++ or Java, but it’s still good enough for solving complex tasks.
  • There is no compilation step between writing and running your code; program execution is done immediately. Unlike compiled languages, where programs are generated from source code during building (e.g., make), Python is executed directly by the interpreter, allowing for quick program development.
  • Python is an ‘interpreted’ language, which means that it’s not necessary to pre-compile your Python source files before executing them. Of course, you’ll still need to use the interpreter explicitly to run your programs, but Python has a set of tools that makes this task quite simple (i.e., typing python
  • Python is an object-oriented language that supports dynamic type-checking. It has less strict error handling than some languages like C++ or Java, so it might be easier to learn if you come from another programming background.
  • Many third-party libraries are available for scientific computing, web development, gaming and more.
  • Python is a popular language for data science and machine learning tasks. It has libraries like NumPy and SciPy, making everyday scientific computing tasks much more manageable.
  • Python has a great set of standard library modules that allow you to do much without installing additional software.
  • The language supports Unicode natively, meaning you can use almost any character set you want in your programs (including emojis!).
  • Python has a large and active community that produces tons of free resources (documentation, code snippets, examples, etc.).
  • Last but not least, Python is just plain fun to use! It is a great first programming language, especially if you want to get involved with data science or machine learning.

Why Python has a low barrier to entry, which makes it perfect for beginners

One of the greatest benefits of Python is that it has a low barrier to entry. This means that programming beginners can get started with Python pretty quickly; you don’t need an advanced degree, nor do you need to attach yourself to an academic institution to get started.

I like to compare learning Python with learning how to drive a car. Many people learn how to drive when they are around 16, but not everyone is taught by someone who knows what they are doing (I know since I taught my brother). Like not, every 16-year-old driver becomes Roger Penske or Danica Patrick. Only some people who have learned Python are experts in using it, too.

The great thing about Python is that it provides a medium for developers of varying skill levels to collaborate and work on projects. A beginner can use Python to start a project, but they can also find resources online to learn new concepts and implement them into the project. A more experienced programmer can take what the beginner has started and add functionalities using their knowledge of Python.

So why does this low barrier to entry make Python great for beginners? It’s straightforward: if you want to learn how to code, you need a language that lets you do your thing without hand-holding while providing some guidance when needed. Other languages provide similar functionality (Ruby springs to mind), but Python is considered easy to learn compared to others.

Another reason Python is great for beginners is because of its community support. The Python community is vast and filled with experienced developers who are happy to help out a beginner. There are also many resources online (including this website) that can help you get started learning Python Training in Chennai.

So, if you’re looking for an introductory language to programming or want to start making your websites and applications, I’d recommend giving Python a try. It’s an excellent language for beginners and experienced developers, and the community support is second to none.

Python has a low learning curve, which makes it easy for anyone to pick up and start using, regardless of their current programming knowledge.

Python is a high-level language with simple readability syntax. Because of this, programmers can express themselves in fewer lines of code than many other programming languages require.

Web developers who may already be familiar with HTML or JavaScript can easily understand the structure and core. Python has many packages available from the Python package index, making its functionality virtually infinite.

Python is an interpreted language, so users only need to run their program instead of compiling it. In contrast, compiled languages such as C++ require that you compile your program before running it each time, requiring more resources.

For these reasons, Python appeals to people who want to learn how to program without jumping through too many hoops. As a beginner, Python is the perfect place to start. With its vast modules and libraries, you can quickly build upon the basics you learned in your Python Training in Chennai. So why not give it a try?

Why is there a demand for Python programmers?

There is a growing demand for skilled Python programmers as more and more companies are using it to build scalable, fast and efficient applications.

Python is one of the simplest programming languages to perform almost any task – web development, machine learning and complex simulation. While maintaining its simplicity, Python is an excellent choice for both small-scale and large-scale projects and at present, thousands of apps are written in Python.

The best part about Python classes in Chennai is that experienced faculty members will teach you with a thorough knowledge of the subject. Not just this, you will also get an opportunity to learn other necessary skills required for being a successful programmer along with Python. You can either do an internship program or opt for job assistance after the course.

In addition, Python programming is also in high demand in the financial sector. Many banks and trading firms use Python for data analysis and algorithmic trading. Python has become the most popular language for scientific computing, making it an ideal tool for data scientists who want to analyze big data sets.

So, if you are looking for a career in programming, learning Python is the right decision. With so many job opportunities waiting for you, don’t miss this opportunity! Get enrolled in a reputed Python training in Chennai today!

Python is a versatile language that can be used for various purposes. It has gained in popularity in recent years, and many businesses are now using it for everything from developing websites to creating mobile apps. Python is also popular with data scientists and machine learning experts.

So, which field is best for Python? The answer to this question depends on your specific needs and skillset. If you want to use Python for web development, you should focus on learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages are essential for creating modern websites.

Which Indian companies use Python?

Some of the most notable companies that use Python are Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, and Wipro. These companies use Python for various tasks, including web development, software development, and data analysis. The below-listed companies help students by learning Python courses in Chennai, which helps in better understanding.

TCS is one of the world’s most significant information technology services companies. The company has over 400,000 employees and operates in over 46 countries. TCS uses Python for various tasks, including web development, software development, and system administration.

Infosys is another large information technology services company. The company has over 190,000 employees and operates in over 50 countries. Infosys also uses Python for various tasks, including web development, software development, and data analysis.

Wipro is another large information technology services company. The company has over 190,000 employees and operates in over 50 countries. Wipro also uses Python for various tasks, including web development, software development, and data analysis.

These are just a few of the many companies in India that use Python. Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for various tasks. It is no wonder that so many companies in India are using it.

10 Reasons why Python is great for making apps?

  • A versatile programming language

Python is a general-purpose, high level and dynamic programming language that can be used to create any application. Python has multipurpose applications such as web-based applications, networking, GUI applications, games, etc. Using Python, you can make anything from a small utility program to a big complicated game. This makes it the most popular for all new coders and beginners because of its wide variety of uses.

  • A simple, clean syntax

For people who are new to coding or even experienced coders, learning Python is easy because of its simple code syntax. All code written in Python is readable by anyone who knows how to write in Python by Python course in Chennai. Coding in Python is easy because of clean syntax; it helps the programmer understand code more quickly, and they can focus on writing the actual intended code rather than spending time trying to figure out what was written.

  • Efficient to learn and use, it’s a stepping stone.

Being able to create anything from small utility programs to large, complicated games makes a good starting point for anyone wanting to get into coding. To begin with Python, you do not need previous knowledge about any other computer language, making it a very efficient step towards learning how to make applications. If you need to learn how something works or should work, Python’s simplicity allows you to explore and understand the code. You can also use Python for scripting, which is a way of automating tasks.

  • Runs on multiple platforms

Python runs on Windows, Macs and Linux and a variety of other systems such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Solaris. This makes it easy for developers to work on projects that are cross-platform compatible.

  • Free and open-source

Python is free to download, install and use with no restrictions or fees placed on its use by any organization or individual. It is also released under the GNU general public licence, allowing anyone to view, edit, redistribute and reuse the source code as long as they mention the copyright holder in any reworked or extended program versions.

  • The clean and simple syntax, which is easy to read

Python uses whitespace indentation, rather than curly brackets or keywords, for grouping blocks of statements under a single name. The tab size is 4 spaces by default but can be configured; however, this makes reading and understanding Python code very easy because it looks like regular English, and you can understand all aspects of a line without even executing it (though, if you run it, you’ll get more output).

  • Portability: You can carry your projects anywhere

The most important thing that Python does for you is it automates the boring stuff. So, all you have left are your algorithms, which translates to efficient code in Python. This makes your programs more diminutive and more portable. Many other programming languages require creating separate files for each project. Still, with Python, all you need is one .py file and every bit of coding can be done inside that file, making it easy to port code from one computer to another without any changes in the code.

  • Very light on resources

Python takes up very little memory space, so even older computers can run Python scripts effectively without crashing. It also requires practically no time for compiling, making it a very quick language to start with.

  • Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Python has a versatile set of built-in datatypes, which allows for rapid development, and it leads to increased programmer productivity, which is always a plus because the more time you have to work on your project, the better it becomes.

  • Cross-Domain Applications

Python transcends boundarie­s, spanning various domains such as web developme­nt, desktop applications, scientific computing, game de­velopment, and more. This re­markable adaptability renders it an indispe­nsable choice for countless de­velopers.

It has a vast library to carry out any task that can be done in other languages. All you need to do is write the code once and add modules from its library as needed, which makes Python faster than other languages because it doesn’t require writing much code from scratch instead of reusing existing code whenever possible. It also provides an interface between Python and C programs (or C modules), so you can use small amounts of swift and optimized code from C as an extension module where needed.

In conclusion, Python has a wide range of practical applications, making it a must-have for any computer science enthusiast. It’s easy to learn the syntax, and a straightforward approach to writing code is just icing on the cake that makes it a great language. It truly is a beginner’s language but, at the same time, a professional-level language, which is why it’s often used in schools or colleges for teaching programming. For example, Google employees are not only required to know Python but also to pass an exam before being hired! Many companies, like IBM, Nokia, etc., use Python for scripting and automation tasks. So, if you’re looking to make a career in programming, taking up Python Classes in Chennai is the first step.


FITA Academy provides the best Python Training in Chennai from our experts. If Python is your dream career, we will make your dream come true. Do visit our branches at Velachery, Anna Nagar, Tambaram, T Nagar and OMR.

Python Blogs

Why should I learn Python language rather than other programming languages?, Roles of Python programming language in Google, Use of Python in various Industries, Which Is The Better Career Path? Java Or Python, Python Interview Questions and Answers, Why Python is a versatile language?, Palindrome Program In Python, Top 5 Frameworks In Python

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