BETA Medtech Early Technical Assessment is in beta

Medtech Early Technical Assessment (META) Tool

The META tool is an affordable platform developed by NICE to help product developers understand what evidence is needed to make a convincing case to payers and commissioners for their technology.

What is the META tool?

The META Tool supports and informs a face to face discussion between you, the medical technology developer, and a trained adviser to identify the gaps in your product’s development and evidence generation plans. Completion of the online META Tool form and META process will help optimise your approach to addressing gaps in your development plans and in identifying the potential next steps to bring your product to market.

By using the META Tool you can develop an understanding of the level of evidence needed to show your product's value to the NHS. It can be used at any stage of development of your product.

It was developed by NICE in collaboration with Health Innovation Manchester, with their delivery partner TRUSTECH, and is also available through other relevant organisations under licence.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Health Innovation Manchester

The META Tool process has 3 key steps:

  1. Completion of an online form (synopsis)

    The synopsis is a structured questionnaire that allows you to present information and data relevant to the development of your product. It also provides educational resources and links to other sources.

  2. A meeting with a trained facilitator from your choice of organisation licensed to use the META Tool.

    After reviewing your synopsis, the facilitator will meet with you to discuss any gaps identified in your product development plans.

  3. Receipt of a META report.

    The report will summarise the key issues identified by the facilitator during the meeting and the potential next steps that you should consider.

The process is flexible but usually takes about 6 weeks, depending on the facilitating organisation you choose and their availability.

Benefits of using the META Tool

Using the META Tool will help you:

  • understand the evidence that payers, commissioners and investors need
  • understand what demonstrates value for patients and the healthcare system
  • increase your understanding of the implications of any gaps in your current evidence base or the evidence you are planning to collect
  • prioritise investment in your product's development strategy
  • develop value claims for a health technology assessment (HTA), for example, at NICE
  • understand evidence requirements through a selection of educational resources
  • find out about local, regional or national support that is available to help you generate the necessary evidence to support your product's claims.

Is the META Tool right for me?

  • The tool is designed to support the developers of medical devices, diagnostics and digital health technologies (DHT) or apps.
  • It can be used at any stage of development, from early stage ideas through to sense checking whether you have all the evidence you need to demonstrate the value of your product to NICE or another HTA body/payer.
  • The META Tool can be used by small companies, large companies, or an individual developer.
  • You can go through the process as many times as you need, either with the same product or different products.
  • If you have already engaged with NICE, going through the process can help you understand the evidence required for a successful NICE evaluation.

How the service works

How the service works
  1. Create your META tool account or sign in through the home page to access the tool.
  2. Select the organisation you believe will most appropriately facilitate your META consultation

    You can choose from a range of facilitating organisations with different areas of expertise, so you can select the one that best meets your needs. The organisations currently listed here have a licence to use the META tool and all the facilitators have been fully trained by NICE.

  3. Complete a short online form which collects general and summary product information.
  4. Request a call back to discuss the META tool process with your chosen facilitating organisation
  5. Make your payment.

    The payment process will be specific to the organisation you select as your facilitating organisation.

  6. Complete and submit a secure online synopsis form for your product

    You will need to submit details about your product, the evidence for the product you have collected to date and your current and future development plans. The sections in the form cover a wide range of topics relevant to product development including:

    • Health Technology Assessment requirements
    • defining and understanding healthcare system benefits
    • clinical and economic evidence generation relevant to HTA organisations and payers
  7. There are separate forms for medical devices and diagnostics. Both forms cover technologies that have digital elements.

  8. The Facilitation

    Your facilitator will review your submission. This will be followed by a meeting to discuss the different sections of the tool together and the key issues that have arisen in your development plans. The consultation can be done in person, by video link or on the telephone.

    The length and depth of this facilitation session will depend on the organisation you have chosen to work with.

  9. The META Report

    Your facilitator will send you a report which will:

    • summarise potential additional evidence requirements needed to support your product's value claims
    • provide options for any potential next steps
    • highlight areas where you should consider doing further work to generate evidence in order to demonstrate the product's value to the healthcare system.

    Some facilitating organisations may offer further services to assist you with obtaining the additional evidence needed. Please discuss the options available with your facilitating organisation.

Who provides the service?

NICE currently licenses the tool to the organisations listed below. Each of these organisations has received training from NICE on how to use the META Tool to support an evidence gap analysis. Each organisation has different areas of expertise and you can select any of them to work with you, facilitate your session and write the report for your product. For an initial discussion about whether the META tool is right for you or to find out more about a particular organisation, please use the contact details below to get in touch with a licensed organisation.

Logo for Device Access UK Ltd
Logo for Health Tech Enterprise
Logo for Health Analytical Solutions Ltd
Logo for Helix Data Innovation
Logo for NICE Scientific Advice
Logo for South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)
Logo for Alira Health
Logo for Health Technology Wales
Logo for RTI Health Solutions
Logo for Heco Analytics Ltd
Logo for York Health Economics Consortium
Logo for The Northern Health Science Alliance

Frequently asked questions

The META tool has been designed to help all developers of medical technologies, both large and small. The META tool process helps Medtech companies and product developers understand the evidence requirements for NICE or other payers and the impact of the differences between regulatory and payer frameworks. This is intended to reduce the costs and risks associated with product development.

You can benefit from using the META tool at any stage of a product’s development. In the early stages it will help you understand the types of evidence that could be needed further down the development pathway, and guide efficient evidence collection. In the later stages it will act as a ‘gap analysis’ to sense check your readiness for a future health technology evaluation or to support discussions with payers and commissioners.

The service can be used on health technologies that have a CE or UKCA mark or are expected to obtain one in the foreseeable future. It is also suitable for advising on digital health technologies and interventions. It is generally not suitable for technologies that have no impact on patient care or health outcomes.

There is a description of the steps in the the META tool process on the ‘how the service works’ tab.

The online synopsis form has questions covering a broad range of topics so that the facilitator can fully understand your product and where it is in its development.

Areas covered include:

  • information about your technology
  • what it is indicated for (used to treat)
  • what benefits it has for patients and for the wider healthcare system
  • what clinical and economic data you have collected so far, and what evidence generation plans you have for the future.

This aims to help you to think about the issues that are important to payers and how their needs are different from the needs of regulators.

It can be filled in by one person, or by multiple users. It depends on the size of your company, the complexity of the clinical development pathway, and where you are in the stage of development of your product. The tool allows you to add additional people to your company's profile so that they can work on individual areas of expertise.

Yes. Once you have set up an account you can start multiple consultations either in parallel or in succession. However, each use of the META tool is for one product only. If you are developing more than one product, you will need to complete a separate synopsis for each product.

Yes. There is no restriction on how many times you can take the same product through the service. You may also benefit from using one or more of the other services offered by NICE Advice

Yes, you can go through the META tool process at any point in your product's development, either as an individual or through a company.

The process is flexible but usually takes about 4 weeks, depending on the facilitating organisation you choose and their availability.

The time it will take you to fill in the synopsis will also depend on where you are in the development process, how much evidence you have generated to date, and your level of understanding of the issues surrounding health technology assessment. It will also depend on whether you require external support to complete some sections (e.g. the section on economic evidence).

Your information can only be viewed by your chosen facilitating organisation and by NICE. Whilst the META tool is in the public beta phase of development, NICE will have access to your data for monitoring and development purposes only. Your information will be held on a secure server for a time period of 5 years after which time it will be deleted.

No - there is no obligation to act on any of the advice you receive.

No. The META Tool is designed to help you understand how robust your current and future development plans are. Going through the META tool process does not constitute a formal economic evaluation by NICE. While NICE has designed and maintains the tool, facilitating organisation licensees are not qualified to give advice on behalf of NICE and any products that go through a the facilitation process do not gain any form of accreditation as a result.

We are planning to update the META tool on an ongoing basis, throughout the beta phase and beyond. This is to ensure we provide companies with the most current resources and tools available, and to make sure that facilitating organisations have an up to date platform with which to work.

The fees charged by each facilitating organisation will vary. For example, they might offer the consultation as part of a bespoke service or within a larger package. We encourage you to explore options with them before choosing your facilitating organisation.

Please see the ‘Who provides the service?’ tab for the most up to date list of organisations who provide the META tool service.

NICE offers its own gap analysis service, underpinned by the META tool. The listed licensed organisations will offer their own version of this service until the end of 2024, from which point META tool consultations will be exclusively provided by NICE. The services provided by the different licensed organisations vary in cost and in areas of specialist expertise and so it is recommended that you explore available options to make the right choice for your particular needs.

It's important to note that if you use NICE as your facilitating organisation, the final report provided does not:

  • give detailed step-by-step advice on exactly what to do to address the gaps in the evidence base for your technology
  • assist you in drawing up an action plan
  • provide traditional scientific advice on planned RCTs or other studies
  • tell you how to price your product
  • provide an evaluation of how good your technology is
  • tell you whether the NHS will adopt your technology

If you are interested in scientific advice, please see our full range of services. Other facilitating organisations may provide some of the above services as part of their overall package.

If you experience any technical faults whilst using the META tool, please report any faults to the NICE enquiry handling team

Please note that this is for technical defaults within the META tool only. Please contact your facilitating organisation if you need support with clarifying any of the content or navigation through the tool.

META offers insights on evidence generation for Medtech products to support future engagement with:

NHS England

To support NHS commissioning decisions

NICE Health Technology Assessments

To inform Health Technology Assessment

Research organisations

To support interactioins with research organisations (E.g. NIHR, MRC)

Finance providers

To influence future development funding