in 4 minutes
Москва — С.-Петербург | From Москвы | From С.-Петербурга |
Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) | 23:55 | 23:55 |
Москва — Казань | From Москвы | From Казани |
Dvukhetazhnyy | 23:08 | 17:10 |
Москва — Адлер | From Москвы | From Адлера |
Dvukhetazhnyy | 10:10 | 18:17 |
С.-Петербург — Москва | From С.-Петербурга | From Москвы |
Dvukhetazhnyy | 22:50 | 22:50 |
Москва — Таллин | From Москвы | From Таллина |
Baltiyskiy Ekspress | 23:10 | 15:35 |
Москва — Калининград | From Москвы | From Калининграда |
Yantar’ | 17:20 | 13:47 |
Томск — Москва | From Томска | From Москвы |
Tomich | 7:19 | 22:50 |
Москва — Екатеринбург | From Москвы | From Екатеринбурга |
Malakhit | 13:35 | 2:19 |
Москва — Красноярск | From Москвы | From Красноярска |
Enisei | 13:18 | 14:54 |
Ижевск — Москва | From Ижевска | From Москвы |
Italmas | 16:40 | 17:38 |
Оренбург — Москва | From Оренбурга | From Москвы |
Orenburzhye | 09:23 | 17:16 |
Москва — Хельсинки | From Москвы | From Хельсинки |
Lev Tolstoy | 19:53 | 18:22 |
С.-Петербург — Хельсинки | From С.-Петербурга | From Хельсинки |
Allegro | 06:40 | 06:12 |
Москва — Ростов-на-Дону | From Москвы | From Ростова-на-Дону |
019С/020С «Premium» | 18:40 | 15:15 |
Москва — Н. Новгород | From Москвы | From Н. Новгорода |
Strizh | 06:35 | 06:45 |
Москва — Самара | From Москвы | From Самары |
Zhiguli | 20:08 | 18:40 |
Москва — Киров | From Москвы | From Кирова |
Vyatka | 20:05 | 20:30 |
Москва — Владивосток | From Москвы | From Владивостока |
Rossiya (Russia) | 13:20 | 04:02 |
С.-Петербург — Адлер | From С.-Петербурга | From Адлера |
Severnaya Palmira | 20:00 | 15:41 |
Москва — Мурманск | From Москвы | From Мурманска |
Arktika | 00:41 | 19:20 |
Москва — С.-Петербург | From Москвы | From С.-Петербурга |
Nevsky Express | 13:50 | 13:20 |
Москва — С.-Петербург | From Москвы | From С.-Петербурга |
Grand Express | 23:40 | 23:42 |
Megapolis | 00:28 | 22:29 |
Any railway ticket purchased with can be cancelled and refunded. This will be in accordance with Russian Railway rules.
Tickets can be returned on our website or at the ticket office of any railway station in Russia. For this you will need to provide your ID (passport) and electronic ticket number.
If you paid for your ticket by credit or debit card, the amount will automatically be refunded to your card. In all other cases you will receive your refund in cash at the ticket office.
Returning your ticket is subject to a cancellation fee. It means that any service fees will not be refunded and you will also incur a cancellation fee.
The refund depends on the amount and method of payment. For each returned ticket, there is approximately 500rub lost.
Please note, when returning a ticket within 8 hours after departure, cancellation charges are significantly higher.
Yes, you can pay by credit or debit card. Payment is processed by was developed to comply with international safety standard PCI DSS. This payment processing gate passed v3.1 compliance audit.
Payment gate accepts Visa and Mastercard credit/debit cards, including 3D-secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.
Payment form is optimised for different browsers and operating systems, including handheld devices.
Almost all Russian Railway ticket agencies work through this payment gate.
Purchasing electronic railway ticket with is a modern and fast way to plan your railway journey.
When you buy an electronic ticket with your seat is allocated instantly.
Before boarding you have two options
Electronic registration (online check-in) is available on selected trains. In order to save time, we advise you to use the electronic registration system. You will get access to this option after payment is confirmed. In order to board the train you will need to have your ID (passport) with you.
You can print your ticket any time before departure at any self-service terminal or ticket office.
Please, be ready to enter your ID (passport) and
Definitely yes. We use the same data (System Control «Express-3») as the ticket offices at railways stations.
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