Distribution of loaner computers to faculty and staff

by Anonymous in , , , , 18 Mar 2020

Information Technology Services (ITS) will be distributing laptops to faculty and staff who currently do not have a computer for remote work.

The current priority (where 1=highest priority) is:

  1. Faculty teaching a class or otherwise designated a priority by Academic Affairs
  2. Staff designated by their department
  3. Any staff or faculty working remotely
ITS can distribute 120 used Dell Ultrabook Laptops retired from a classroom this week. If the supply of these computers is depleted, ITS has other pools of computers that can be configured.  All loaner computers will have a camera, microphone, and are imaged for use by CSUCI employees. They are both Zoom, Canvas, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Office ready as delivered. If employees need specialized software installed they can file a ticket for assistance or call the Solution Center at 805-437-8552. If possible, they will be directed to self-install software or will be instructed how to participate in a remote session with an ITS technician. In certain cases an appointment with an ITS technician on campus may be needed.

Here is the loaner computer pick-up process for University faculty and staff:
  1. First file a ticket in TeamDynamix or contact the Solution Center at 805-437-8552 to request a computer.
  2. ITS will contact your Department or Division as needed to confirm priority.
  3. Pickup location will be at the Lindero Hall courtyard, outside of the Human Resources entrance.
  4. Pickup hours are between 10AM – 2PM Wednesday through Friday (3/18-3/20) this week. Next week (3/23-3/27) will be by appointment only.
  5. Call the Solution Center number (805-437-8552) to arrange pickup. You will be asked to show University ID.
  6. Please log into the computer before leaving campus to activate your configuration. You will be able to connect to the University network in the Lindero Hall courtyard, outside of the Human Resources entrance.
Please contact the Solution Center at 805-437-8552 with any questions about this process, and visit http://go.csuci.edu/keepgoing for additional guidance on how to keep teaching, learning and working remotely.