Sitely Pro
Sitely Personal
Sitely Free
Billed yearly. Cancel any time.
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Sitely Pro
Sitely Personal
Sitely Free
Buy for $79.99
Sitely Pro
Sitely Personal
Sitely Free
Subscribing is cheaper and makes all updates to Sitely Pro automatically available to you. Additionally it gives the Sitely team an income that is predictable and allows for long term planning of improvements. Buying the one time licenses lets you opt in to the upcoming upgrades as you go. If you love and trust Sitely, and plan on buying all future features, we encourage you to strongly consider the subscription.
The Sitely Store processes payments via Paddle and emails you a license instantly. Here you can use coupons or access promotions. We won't sell, rent or share your data, ever. For any kind of problem or question don’t hesitate to contact us.
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