Boss on a Budget/Grant Submission Toolbox

  • $45

Grant Submission Toolbox

Are you struggling with how to get started with grant writing?

I’ll share with you my foolproof method of completing a grant from start to finish.

If you are new to grant writing, then I know you’ve struggled with…

✓ Knowing how to get your grant proposal started

✓ Knowing how to organize the writing process

✓ Waiting to the last minute to complete your grant package

✓ Feeling like you're starting over every time you write a grant

Grant writing requires organizational skills that not everyone is blessed with. Have you ever read a 60 page request for proposals (RFP) and wondered where to start first? Have you found yourself starting at a blank computer screen with a deadline weeks away and nothing written?

In this toolbox, I show you the method I personally use to apply for grants. You will never waste time again, spinning your wheels, trying to figure out how to get started. I'll show you how to complete your first grant and easily do it again and agin.

Sign up now to download my grant writing toolbox.

Don't let your inexperience keep you from going after that grant you've been waiting for.

There are literally thousands of grant opportunities out there, and your fear of getting started should not be the reason you can't start applying for funding that can help change your community.

Get ready to...

✓ Start winning grants so you can fund your programs
✓ Conquer your fear and write your first grant
✓ Finally have a system that'll allow you to write endless grants
✓ Create your own process to begin applying for grants tonight
This toolbox teaches the process I use every time I apply for a new grant. It will give you a system that you can use over and over to write grants.

This course is for you if…

✓ You get confused every time you have to write a grant

✓ You need a simple breakdown of how to submit a grant

✓ You need a reliable system that works

✓ You’re ready to focus on a winning grant strategy

What's Included?

Before you write, you have to know the right questions to ask and how to research your funder to see if they are a good fit. I will show you the right information to collect to determine which funders to choose.
Every grant is not for you, but how do you make that determination? This toolbox includes a decision-making guide which will walk through how to decide which grants are worth it to pursue.
This toolbox includes a guide to creating a work plan to organize the grant writing process. Never guess who does what and how to divide up the work again.
Submitting a grant is the scariest, nerve-wracking process ever! How do you know if you haven't missed anything. This toolbox includes checklists that you can use to review your final draft to make sure you don't miss any part of your grant package. It also includes an outline for letter proposals/letters of intent that you can customize and use.

There’s an easy way to create a grant writing system that works for you.

I’ll teach you how.

Once you learn my method of writing grants, it will be easy to write any grant proposal you encounter.

Let's get to work!

It didn't take me long to figure out that I was a problem solver.  I've always had a knack for staring a problem head-on and breaking it down into small, conquerable pieces. I've been in the nonprofit sector for 12 years and have seen small communities who have the passion and skills, but need the knowledge to put forth their visions. I create content to help you solve your ultimate problem: how to build a strong nonprofit and translate your passion into mission.



1 - Grant Writing Toolbox - Welcome.pdf
  • 57.3 KB

Toolbox Contents

  • 1.79 MB
  • 172 KB
  • 1.81 MB
Grant Submission Checklist_fillable.pdf
  • 1.73 MB
Grant Writing Toolbox - Resources List.pdf
  • 39.8 KB
Grants Submission Tracking Spreadsheet

    Bonus: Outline for Letter Proposal

    Outline for Letter Proposal.pdf
    • 64.7 KB