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Avocados: A Heart-Healthy Food Backed by Science

A heart-healthy food, avocados provide naturally good fats, are low in saturated fat, cholesterol free and are a good source of fiber (3 grams) per one-third of a medium avocado.

First Large Prospective Study Links Avocado Intake and Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk

A 30-year study following 110,487 non-Hispanic white male health professionals and nurses found that people who reported eating at least one avocado a week was associated with reduced cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease, but not risk for stroke, than participants who never or rarely ate avocados. Though the results were adjusted for diet and lifestyle, do not show a direct cause and effect, and are limited to self-reported dietary collection, these findings further support avocados as a heart-healthy fruit.

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The Research Fact Sheet summarizes key findings and provides practical information to help your patients modify risk factors for heart disease to help them live longer, healthier lives.

Large Prospective Study Links Avocado Intake and Lower Cardiovascular Disease

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Large Prospective Study Links Avocado Intake and Lower Cardiovascular Disease

Better Burger Patient Handout

Healthy Avocado Hat Trick: Add Flavor and Nutrition to Your Burger

Hamburgers are a summertime favorite and adding heart-healthy fresh avocado is a guaranteed way to make them better.

Use the Love One Today® Better Burger handout and help your patients elevate their burger and support their heart health.

Healthy Avocado Hat Trick: Add Flavor and Nutrition to Your Burger

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Featured Research: Hass Avocado Modulates Postprandial Vascular Reactivity and Postprandial Inflammatory Responses to a Hamburger Meal in Healthy Volunteers

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Summertime Recipes

Get Better Burger Inspiration & Recipes:

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Heart-Check certification does not apply to scientific information, research, or recipes unless expressly stated.