Cape Verde in the Atlantic security and defense: Dimensions of the North-South and South-South partnership/Cabo Verde na seguranca e defesa do Atlantico: Dimensoes da parceria Norte-Sul e Sul-Sul.

Citation metadata

Authors: Joao Paulo Madeira and Nataniel Monteiro
Date: Jan-June 2017
From: Revista Geográfica Venezolana(Vol. 58, Issue 1)
Publisher: Universidad de Los Andes, Escuela de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales
Document Type: Article
Length: 5,792 words

Main content

Abstract :

The political changes recorded in the post-cold war world era intensified interregional relations, causing threats and risks in the global security environment, putting the countries of the Atlantic on alert (especially Cape Verde) and feeding the imperative need to create the conditions to ensure security and defensiveness. This article analyzes, from the strategic point of view, the role of Cape Verde on security and defense of the Atlantic. It has been used the quantitative method, reviewing and analyzing the literature, which made it possible to determine that Cape Verde -despite being a small, peripheral country and with scarce economic resources- can contribute to the development of a new dimension of security in respect of south-south and north-south, turning the Atlantic in a corridor of peace and political stability. Key words: Atlantic; defense; geostrategic; geopolitical; security. As mudancas politicas registadas no mundo pos-Guerra Fria intensificaram as relacoes inter-regionais, provocando ameacas e riscos no ambiente de seguranca global, colocando em alerta os paises do Atlantico, em especial Cabo Verde, alimentando a necessidade imperativa de criar as condicoes para garantir a seguranca e a defesa. Este artigo pretende analisar, do ponto de vista estrategico, o papel de Cabo Verde, na seguranca e defesa do Atlantico. Trabalhou-se com o metodo qualitativo, ou seja, revisando e analisando a literatura, o que permite determinar que Cabo Verde, apesar de ser um pais pequeno, periferico e com escassos recursos economicos, pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma nova plataforma de seguranca na relacao Sul-Sul e Norte-Sul, transformando o Atlantico num corredor de paz e estabilidade politica. Palavras-chave: Atlantico; defesa; geoestrategia; geopolitica; seguranca.

Source Citation

Source Citation
Madeira, Joao Paulo, and Nataniel Monteiro. "Cape Verde in the Atlantic security and defense: Dimensions of the North-South and South-South partnership/Cabo Verde na seguranca e defesa do Atlantico: Dimensoes da parceria Norte-Sul e Sul-Sul." Revista Geográfica Venezolana, vol. 58, no. 1, Jan.-June 2017, pp. 102+. Accessed 17 Apr. 2024.

Gale Document Number: GALE|A525610747