Seven Hills Recreation Center 
Pre-Employment Application
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First Name *
Last Name *
Birthdate *
Cell Phone *
Home Phone *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
T-shirt Size *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Are you able to offer flexible availability? *
Do you speak any other languages other than English? If yes, please list them.
Which position are you applying for? *
What time of the day can you work? *
List the sport(s)/activities you are currently involved in and dates.
List your previous employment experience(s) and dates of employment. (If no experience, put None.) *
Can you provide great customer service?
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Rate your problem solving skills. *
No Experience
Very Experienced
Rate your ability to be a team player *
Not a Team Player
Exceptional Team Player
Are you able to perform physical tasks? If you have limitations, list them in the other section. *
Do you have reliable transportation to and from work? *
Do you have a drivers license? *
If you require job accomodations, please describe them below.
How did you hear about this position? Check all that apply. *
Reference #1 Phone & Email *
Reference #2 Phone & Email
What certification(s) do you currently have? Check all that apply. ( To access your American Red Cross certificate go to *

Sunday Availability
Monday Availability
Tuesday Availability
Wednesday Availability
Thursday Availability
Friday Availability
Saturday Availability
Do you have any questions/concerns regarding employment at the Seven Hills Recreation Center?
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